Author Topic: American Jobs Act  (Read 27949 times)

Offline HLecter

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American Jobs Act
« on: September 14, 2011, 01:41:48 PM »
American Jobs Act should be re-titled by Obama  "Let's get me re-elected Act"

It is so transparent that this is too little too late, a political ploy to be used against the R's who will not pass it with the revenue sources in it.  Really, Mr. Obama, the "American Jobs Act"?  Another stimulus?
After we bailed out GM, Banks etc three years ago would have been the perfect time for you to tackle american jobs---you had a Dem majority in the House and the Senate.  Your advisers completely misread the intentions of the corporate stimulus receivers.  You thought they were gonna use that money to hire?

He wants to end the Charitable contribution deduction for the wealthy?  Bet the United Way loves that.

Wait a minute, we are going to continue with the payroll tax cut for employees and now add employers too?
                   I thought Social Security was in trouble?  How does that make sense?  You want to get some cash flowing again Mr. President, how about a cost of living increase for SS people.  Hasn't been one in 3 years because food and gas prices are NOT taken into account when figuring COL.

Did you notice the jobs he talked about were Construction (Big Union), Teachers (Bigger Union), Police and Fire (Big Union).

Oh, and the new depreciation rules for his favorite enemy, corporate jet-owners (companies) raises 3 Billion------That's a speck of sand in the ocean.

This "jobs act" is nothing but a campaign stunt.  Taxpayers pick up the cost of his trips around the country as he assails the Republican House.  He can't wait to finger point at an obstructionist congress in the Presidential campaign he just launched in va, Oh, and NC.

Mr. Obama, get government out of the way of private investment.  Let the free market correct the economy (it always has), get rid of the job-choking regulations, and allow business to operate.

I missed a four-footer for par the other day--THAT DAMN BUSH!

Offline ysu2000

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Re: American Jobs Act
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2011, 02:34:41 PM »
The jobs act is definitely nothing more than a stimulous designed to pass money along to unions and a business like Solyndra, those that will help him get re-elected.  Spend nearly $500 billion for another stimulous, and raise taxes on the "rich" earning $200,000 or more (including small business owners that actually create jobs), to pay for it.  Makes sense. ???  The fact is, the economy will not improve for at least 16 months, when this administration is removed from office, taking their keynesian economics, regulations and socialist policies with them.  If he gets re-elected, just wait.  Obama has us lined up for the largest tax increase in history in 2013 and obamacare will kick in around 2014.  We haven't seen anything yet.

By the way, did you see video of Barry's wife at the 9/11 flag ceremony?

Offline HLecter

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Re: American Jobs Act
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2011, 03:22:00 PM »
The jobs act is definitely nothing more than a stimulous designed to pass money along to unions and a business like Solyndra, those that will help him get re-elected.  Spend nearly $500 billion for another stimulous, and raise taxes on the "rich" earning $200,000 or more (including small business owners that actually create jobs), to pay for it.  Makes sense. ???  The fact is, the economy will not improve for at least 16 months, when this administration is removed from office, taking their keynesian economics, regulations and socialist policies with them.  If he gets re-elected, just wait.  Obama has us lined up for the largest tax increase in history in 2013 and obamacare will kick in around 2014.  We haven't seen anything yet.

By the way, did you see video of Barry's wife at the 9/11 flag ceremony?

No, what did the stunning Amazon do?

I missed a four-footer for par the other day--THAT DAMN BUSH!

Offline Dracula

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Re: American Jobs Act
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2011, 06:38:16 PM »
The number of stars have changed but I believe that is the flag that was raised over Iwo Jima. It meant something then. What the hell is happening to this country? :'(

Offline ysubigred

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Re: American Jobs Act
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2011, 09:10:29 AM »
The number of stars have changed but I believe that is the flag that was raised over Iwo Jima. It meant something then. What the hell is happening to this country? :'(

Thank the bleeding heart liberals and the Ohio voters or is that the one in the same  :o

Offline pen4life

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Re: American Jobs Act
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2011, 07:00:53 PM »
According to the congressional budget office and independent analysts , the economic stimulus program was extremely effective in creating, and maintaining jobs. In additiuon it saved the american auto industry, the american and perhaps the world economy. I have little faith in "private investment"  because the only thing that matters to them is their bottom line. It was a deregulated investment and banking industry that helped to get us in this mess inthe first place. It looks to me that the republicans are only interested in obstruction and siezing power. They are totally critical of our president but offer nothing to address our current problems. They manufacture crisis but neglect the real challanges to america.   

It's been said " the dumbest animal on the face of the planet earth is a poor republican". 

Offline ysu2000

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Re: American Jobs Act
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2011, 11:22:15 PM »
According to the congressional budget office and independent analysts , the economic stimulus program was extremely effective in creating, and maintaining jobs. In additiuon it saved the american auto industry, the american and perhaps the world economy. I have little faith in "private investment"  because the only thing that matters to them is their bottom line. It was a deregulated investment and banking industry that helped to get us in this mess inthe first place. It looks to me that the republicans are only interested in obstruction and siezing power. They are totally critical of our president but offer nothing to address our current problems. They manufacture crisis but neglect the real challanges to america.   

It's been said " the dumbest animal on the face of the planet earth is a poor republican". 

Do you work for msnbc?  If not, you should.  Keep up those dilusional talking points and ignore reality.

Offline pen4life

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Re: American Jobs Act
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2011, 11:55:01 PM »
YSU 2000 your response is so typical of the extremist element that has taken over the republican party. Rather that presenting a cogent counterargument you resort to innuendo and ridicule but never really address the issues. No, I don't work for MSNBC and I assure you I.m not delusional. This is simply my opinion based on 60+ yrs of life so come on YSU 2000 convince me I'm wrong.

Offline guinpen

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Re: American Jobs Act
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2011, 10:53:20 PM »
It looks to me that the republicans are only interested in obstruction and siezing power. Kinda like the Dem's in 2008 I'm sure you would agree. They are totally critical of our president but offer nothing to address our current problems.  Yea I never heard the Dem's say anything bad about Bush! They manufacture crisis but neglect the real challanges to america.  Bad Bad Republicans!

It's been said " the dumbest animal on the face of the planet earth is a poor republican". really can say that I never heard this before.

You certainly are entitled to your opinion but I am not so sure you are seeing the big picture.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2011, 10:54:34 PM by guinpen »
“Life is hard, it’s harder if you're stupid” - John Wayne

Offline ysu2000

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Re: American Jobs Act
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2011, 09:08:46 AM »
The democrats have a political playbook and they follow it well. It gets repeated daily by the mainstream media. Blame Bush or anyone else, call republicans extremists, obstructionists, etc., paint tea party members as racists, class warfare, etc. etc. etc.  Reading some of your posts - pen4life - it all sounds very familiar.

" the dumbest animal on the face of the planet earth is a poor republican."  

Would this be considered the ridicule you refer to or is this just an insult?

"According to the congressional budget office and independent analysts , the economic stimulus program was extremely effective in creating, and maintaining jobs."

The CBO used estimates based on computer models, which didn't factor in various facts.  We've all heard the created or "saved" rheteric.  But all you need to look at are actual jobs lost and unemployment.  But apparently a computer model trumps ecomomic reality.  As far as independent analysts and economists, you will find just as many that will tell you differently.

"In additiuon it saved the american auto industry, the american and perhaps the world economy."

I will leave it at this concerning the US cannot sustain itself going in the direction we are headed.  Eventually, collapse will happen unless spending is cut, some regulation is eliminated and reform takes place in many areas. And that isn't even considering the regulatory nightmare of obamacare that we'll face in the near future.

"I have little faith in "private investment"  because the only thing that matters to them is their bottom line."

The bottom line matters to any size company, the fact is small business owners create many jobs.

"It was a deregulated investment and banking industry that helped to get us in this mess inthe first place."

Both democrats and republicans each get blame for various issues we face today.  Previous admininstrations as well - both Clinton and Bush.

"It looks to me that the republicans are only interested in obstruction and siezing power. They are totally critical of our president but offer nothing to address our current problems."

Simply not true.  Pay more attention to ideas being presented and legislation being passed in the republican controlled House. 

"They manufacture crisis but neglect the real challanges to america."  

I believe it was Raum Emanuel that once said to never let a crisis go to waste.

Pen4life, I respect your opinion, we each certainly have that right, but I just don't agree with most of what you said.  We'll see in the next 16 months and if obama manages to get re-elected who is correct. 

PS - please dont report me to Attack Watch :)
« Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 09:15:58 AM by ysu2000 »

Offline pen4life

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Re: American Jobs Act
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2011, 10:11:09 AM »
Our main problem is NOT spending. Spendinging cuts won't do anything to help in the short run. 10 to 20 years maybe. Our problem is that our economy is stagnent. We were told in the past and we are still told today that reducing the tax burdon on the poor unfortunate wealthy would stimulate the economy. It didnt, it wont. this claim is as empty today as it was in the past. Instead of creating jobs the wealthy took the money offshore hired Pakistanis , Mexicans, Vietnamese bought Yachts in Italy and generally laughed all the way to the bank.  Then these same wealthy fat cats turn around and have the audacity to say "dont punish us for being successful" by making us pay what you poor folks pay in taxes (i.e. our fair share) which in my opinion is a heck of a lot more than they are being asked to pay. Reducing spending without stimulating the economy will make things worse.

Oh and the media is not liberal. Some of the newscasters may vote for dems but the media is owned lock stock and barrel by very conservative interest groups

Yes we use computer models these days. but these models are based on actual data that is collected and fed into the models. Think how bad unemployment would be if we hadnt stimulated the economy. Locally the Lordstown plant would probably be inhabited by bats by now.

The republican, teapartyy  agenda offers me nothing, and offers america nothing. Congressional republicans vote no to everything even things they strongly supported just a few days ago. They just want to win the next election and they dont seem to care if it means destroying the country to do it.

Regarding the dumb animal quote let me quote the great coservative icon Rush Limbaugh "c'mon can't you take a joke?"     

Offline ysu2000

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Re: American Jobs Act
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2011, 10:27:01 AM »
I can take a joke very well and have been called much worse than dumb. You apparently missed my point.  As I said, I respect your opinions no matter how wrong they are.  But its pointless going back and forth with you, because at the end of the day, I realize I am dealing with a mahoning valley democrat.  Best of luck to you pen4life, best of luck to us all if Barry gets re-elected.


Offline guinpen

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Re: American Jobs Act
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2011, 08:00:44 PM »

Oh and the media is not liberal.

You really cannot be serious with this statement, please tell me your kidding
“Life is hard, it’s harder if you're stupid” - John Wayne

Offline pen4life

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Re: American Jobs Act
« Reply #14 on: September 20, 2011, 01:16:37 AM »
serious as a heart attack. The notion that the media is liberal is a myth. Rupert Murdoch owns most of it. Look at Clearchannel.

I am still not convinced by the way that the private sector is our salvation. They've had everything they wanted for decades including reduced emissions standards under GWB, They are making record breaking profits and not reinvesting in the country that enabled them to become filthy rich. And please dont tell me that they are afraid to invest because of the socialist tendancies of the current administration. They are investing in communist China for crying outloud, They dont seem to be terribly afraid to do that.

Obama care was originally intended to have a single payer and negotiated pharmacy costs.  The republicans kow towed to their insurance company and pharmacuetical company masters and fought this resulting in a much costlier and less efficient model more accuratly called Romney care. We are the richest nation in the history of the world, We can afford universal healthcare. We are the only industrialized nation that doesnt provide it.

No I am not a typical MV Democrat. Even though they vote D they are still pretty conservative. Obama is pretty much middle of the road , I am way left of him. Im a liberal, always have been always will be. and i know, a young man who is conservative has no heart and an old man who is liberal has no brain.

This back and forth actually startyed around 1794 with the federalists and the antifederalists and the fight thenwas wheter or not we should hjave a constitution and a central government as opposed to states rights.
If youre interested in low taxes, minimal government, virtually no gun control and no governmental regulatory bodies, check out Somalia I think this may be what the right is looking for.