The democrats have a political playbook and they follow it well. It gets repeated daily by the mainstream media. Blame Bush or anyone else, call republicans extremists, obstructionists, etc., paint tea party members as racists, class warfare, etc. etc. etc. Reading some of your posts - pen4life - it all sounds very familiar.
" the dumbest animal on the face of the planet earth is a poor republican." Would this be considered the ridicule you refer to or is this just an insult?
"According to the congressional budget office and independent analysts , the economic stimulus program was extremely effective in creating, and maintaining jobs."The CBO used estimates based on computer models, which didn't factor in various facts. We've all heard the created or "saved" rheteric. But all you need to look at are actual jobs lost and unemployment. But apparently a computer model trumps ecomomic reality. As far as independent analysts and economists, you will find just as many that will tell you differently.
"In additiuon it saved the american auto industry, the american and perhaps the world economy."I will leave it at this concerning the US cannot sustain itself going in the direction we are headed. Eventually, collapse will happen unless spending is cut, some regulation is eliminated and reform takes place in many areas. And that isn't even considering the regulatory nightmare of obamacare that we'll face in the near future.
"I have little faith in "private investment" because the only thing that matters to them is their bottom line." The bottom line matters to any size company, the fact is small business owners create many jobs.
"It was a deregulated investment and banking industry that helped to get us in this mess inthe first place." Both democrats and republicans each get blame for various issues we face today. Previous admininstrations as well - both Clinton and Bush.
"It looks to me that the republicans are only interested in obstruction and siezing power. They are totally critical of our president but offer nothing to address our current problems."Simply not true. Pay more attention to ideas being presented and legislation being passed in the republican controlled House.
"They manufacture crisis but neglect the real challanges to america." I believe it was Raum Emanuel that once said to never let a crisis go to waste.
Pen4life, I respect your opinion, we each certainly have that right, but I just don't agree with most of what you said. We'll see in the next 16 months and if obama manages to get re-elected who is correct.
PS - please dont report me to Attack Watch