Author Topic: Not cool  (Read 29632 times)

Offline pioneer9

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Re: Not cool
« Reply #15 on: November 16, 2013, 11:53:18 PM »
Ok... This doesn't have much to do with this particular subject but I want to address a lot of the stuff/mis-judgements thrown on this board after an emotional loss...

(1) So we lost 35-17... could have easily been 35-24/27 had we converted two opportunities inside the 5... and we did all of this utilizing a rFR 3rd-string quarterback against the top team in the country.  I honestly have a hard time believing that this game wouldn't have been different had Hess played the whole game (he was only "healthy" for one drive in which we scored a TD).  So why is everyone freaking out?! Not a good game, but a lot went wrong... both things we could control and things we could not.

(2) Saw someone say that based on the play of the second and third quarterbacks, our chances next season aren't looking so good. OK... so Nania plays a quarter and half, throws for 67 yards and runs for 25.  A redshirt freshman (emphasis on the freshman) throws his first td in his first game against the #1 team in the country. And despite all that, throwing a guy in in the middle of the game is no real judge of talent. Neither QB is like Hess in their style of play and they were running an offense built entirely on Hess' style of play.  Not to mention that each has had little to no playing time considering they are playing behind a four-year starter. Honestly, I was surprised by Nania's ability to make a play and Tanner has a big arm but some learning to do. Every season is a different season... I remember a not to be named YSU QB throwing 4 Tds in a spring game and everyone was calling him the next conference player of the year... ends up being a total bust!  Very hard to predict how a guy will perform from a quarter and a half of relief work. Give the guys a break...

(3) Im all about keeping your head as a head coach... I have been involved with every kind of league from youth to college and I always lean toward controlling your emotions. But I have also been involved in officiating, both as the guy in the striped shirt and the guy reviewing the guys in the striped shirts... and today's game was terribly officiated.  Has nothing to do with outcome or bad calls. It has everything to do with the fact that they did not have control of this game... and that is the main goal of officiating! Several points during the game, they looked confused and not on the same page. Marking off the wrong yardage and having to change it, conferencing every chance they could get and seeming to be very hesitant in many key calls. In fact, when #6 was wrestling for the ball well after the play, you saw every official on the field take notice and look at one another like "don't look at me, I'm not going to touch that call..." What this all speaks to me is that they were more nervous to call this game than the players were to play it. And that's not good enough... and it hurts both teams playing. Wolford had every right to be irate.

(4) Our fan base absolutely sucks when it comes to intensity. But I want to praise the 10% of them that actually make a difference at the games. Sadly, Youngstown is not what it use to be... maybe too much disillusionment from failed minor league teams and so-close-but-so-far seasons with YSU.  Today was a realization for me; the YSU fan base is like your average MAC dark horse team... has a player or two that that could play with the best of the Big Ten or SEC teams but has no depth to carry them the rest of the way.  We have some fans that could be the best in the FCS... then we have our free-loaders. I'll tell you one thing... I really envy NDSU from this respect.

(5) Just a note for NDSU fans... just so you don't feel left out :) I actually enjoyed seeing you all on our side of the stadium today. I actually think it helped some of our fans pull their heads out of their butts and get competitive.  I'm sure there will be a few of you who weren't at the game today who will say "man, i told you this was going to be a blowout... I predicted 35-17."  Be nice and remember there were more than a few things that affected that score tremendously.  Hopefully we'll see you in the playoffs again with a healthy 4-year starter at QB ready to see what a YSU-NDSU matchup would really look like. Congrats though... you all have a good team.


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Re: Not cool
« Reply #16 on: November 17, 2013, 12:03:14 AM »
Kforbs. Thank you for the freedom you provide for BisoNation to say BISON.   1 word amonst ourselves not intended to hurt anyone.   Appreciate it!!

Ps.  What about your Youngstown troops dropping the large us flag on the ground after the game?????  The big one..that's much more disrespectful

You're welcome.

I wasn't at the game to see it but if it most likely was an accident and not done intentionally.  I can tell you in my career, I've done colors at least 50 times and I've screwed up and taken a few chewings for it. 

Offline DavedS

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Re: Not cool
« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2013, 12:46:14 AM »
NDSU does have a great team and great fan support but with a healthy Hess they are definitely beatable--I truly expected a worse defeat than last year when I found out he was injured but the team still played valiantly and I was proud of their effort and can guarantee that if we get another shot @ them with a healthy Hess it will be a totally different ball game.

Offline ysufan0505

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Re: Not cool
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2013, 12:54:23 AM »
Ok... This doesn't have much to do with this particular subject but I want to address a lot of the stuff/mis-judgements thrown on this board after an emotional loss...

(1) So we lost 35-17... could have easily been 35-24/27 had we converted two opportunities inside the 5... and we did all of this utilizing a rFR 3rd-string quarterback against the top team in the country.  I honestly have a hard time believing that this game wouldn't have been different had Hess played the whole game (he was only "healthy" for one drive in which we scored a TD).  So why is everyone freaking out?! Not a good game, but a lot went wrong... both things we could control and things we could not.

(2) Saw someone say that based on the play of the second and third quarterbacks, our chances next season aren't looking so good. OK... so Nania plays a quarter and half, throws for 67 yards and runs for 25.  A redshirt freshman (emphasis on the freshman) throws his first td in his first game against the #1 team in the country. And despite all that, throwing a guy in in the middle of the game is no real judge of talent. Neither QB is like Hess in their style of play and they were running an offense built entirely on Hess' style of play.  Not to mention that each has had little to no playing time considering they are playing behind a four-year starter. Honestly, I was surprised by Nania's ability to make a play and Tanner has a big arm but some learning to do. Every season is a different season... I remember a not to be named YSU QB throwing 4 Tds in a spring game and everyone was calling him the next conference player of the year... ends up being a total bust!  Very hard to predict how a guy will perform from a quarter and a half of relief work. Give the guys a break...

(3) Im all about keeping your head as a head coach... I have been involved with every kind of league from youth to college and I always lean toward controlling your emotions. But I have also been involved in officiating, both as the guy in the striped shirt and the guy reviewing the guys in the striped shirts... and today's game was terribly officiated.  Has nothing to do with outcome or bad calls. It has everything to do with the fact that they did not have control of this game... and that is the main goal of officiating! Several points during the game, they looked confused and not on the same page. Marking off the wrong yardage and having to change it, conferencing every chance they could get and seeming to be very hesitant in many key calls. In fact, when #6 was wrestling for the ball well after the play, you saw every official on the field take notice and look at one another like "don't look at me, I'm not going to touch that call..." What this all speaks to me is that they were more nervous to call this game than the players were to play it. And that's not good enough... and it hurts both teams playing. Wolford had every right to be irate.

(4) Our fan base absolutely sucks when it comes to intensity. But I want to praise the 10% of them that actually make a difference at the games. Sadly, Youngstown is not what it use to be... maybe too much disillusionment from failed minor league teams and so-close-but-so-far seasons with YSU.  Today was a realization for me; the YSU fan base is like your average MAC dark horse team... has a player or two that that could play with the best of the Big Ten or SEC teams but has no depth to carry them the rest of the way.  We have some fans that could be the best in the FCS... then we have our free-loaders. I'll tell you one thing... I really envy NDSU from this respect.

(5) Just a note for NDSU fans... just so you don't feel left out :) I actually enjoyed seeing you all on our side of the stadium today. I actually think it helped some of our fans pull their heads out of their butts and get competitive.  I'm sure there will be a few of you who weren't at the game today who will say "man, i told you this was going to be a blowout... I predicted 35-17."  Be nice and remember there were more than a few things that affected that score tremendously.  Hopefully we'll see you in the playoffs again with a healthy 4-year starter at QB ready to see what a YSU-NDSU matchup would really look like. Congrats though... you all have a good team.

Man, that was spot on!

Offline Dmorton

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Re: Not cool
« Reply #19 on: November 17, 2013, 05:30:19 AM »
Nice Job pioneer!  Sometimes it just takes a little reflection on the way things really could have been as to opposed to how bad it looked to sometimes. 

Offline TennBison

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Re: Not cool
« Reply #20 on: November 17, 2013, 08:56:09 AM »
Keep finding something else to complain about.....just like your baby of a coach.

As I've said on another website that brought this topic one is finding anything else to complain about.  But as a retired military guy, I find it rather disrespectful that you're adding your own words to OUR National Anthem.  It's pretty arrogant.
Last time I checked OUR National Anthem belonged to everyone and the freedom that we enjoy in the USA allows us to say/sing whatever we want. You bring up that you are retired military(not only on this site but AGS as well) thanks for your service, but your not unique as myself and many others have served and quite a few Bison fans who happen to say Bison during the National Anthem. Your time in the service does not make you a better person or a more qualified individual on this topic. You would be dead wrong to assume that Bison fans have anything but respect for the anthem when they say Bison at the end. It is our way of inserting respect of our school and honoring those that have served by letting them know that NDSU and its fans have their back and the back of the country.
 If you want to get mad about some disrespect, try getting mad at that player of yours that was holding the flag before your team ran onto the field. Anyone in YSU want to tell him about how it is disrespectful to allow the flag to touch the ground and drag it as he walked back and forth before running to the field. The U.S. flag code states in section 176b that the U.S.flag should not touch the ground. Funny how you yahoos are missing that.


Offline SoupCity

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Re: Not cool
« Reply #21 on: November 17, 2013, 09:09:20 AM »
Keep finding something else to complain about.....just like your baby of a coach.

As I've said on another website that brought this topic one is finding anything else to complain about.  But as a retired military guy, I find it rather disrespectful that you're adding your own words to OUR National Anthem.  It's pretty arrogant.
Last time I checked OUR National Anthem belonged to everyone and the freedom that we enjoy in the USA allows us to say/sing whatever we want. You bring up that you are retired military(not only on this site but AGS as well) thanks for your service, but your not unique as myself and many others have served and quite a few Bison fans who happen to say Bison during the National Anthem. Your time in the service does not make you a better person or a more qualified individual on this topic. You would be dead wrong to assume that Bison fans have anything but respect for the anthem when they say Bison at the end. It is our way of inserting respect of our school and honoring those that have served by letting them know that NDSU and its fans have their back and the back of the country.
 If you want to get mad about some disrespect, try getting mad at that player of yours that was holding the flag before your team ran onto the field. Anyone in YSU want to tell him about how it is disrespectful to allow the flag to touch the ground and drag it as he walked back and forth before running to the field. The U.S. flag code states in section 176b that the U.S.flag should not touch the ground. Funny how you yahoos are missing that.

TennBison....let me start with this.  On AGS, one of your guys brought it up and all I said was that I thought it was ignorant and disrespectful, that's it.  Then the droves of Bison fans turned it into a mess, not me.  I made a simple comment just like I did here.  Trust me, my service was no better than anyone else's and I know this.  So take my comment for what it really is....a simple I think it's ignorant and disrespectful, PERIOD!! 

As for what our team does, we've had a thread about that as well some time back.  And I also don't agree with how they handle the flag. 

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Re: Not cool
« Reply #22 on: November 17, 2013, 09:36:49 AM »
Lets end this thinking in that we would have possibly beaten them with a healthy Hess.  Did anyone pay attention to the line of scrimmage and how bad we got man handled on both sides of the ball?    NDSU had a more superior offensive line and defensive line period.  Hess wouldn't have made a difference.  End of topic.

Offline IAA Fan

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Re: Not cool
« Reply #23 on: November 17, 2013, 09:51:02 AM »
Keep finding something else to complain about.....just like your baby of a coach.

As I've said on another website that brought this topic one is finding anything else to complain about.  But as a retired military guy, I find it rather disrespectful that you're adding your own words to OUR National Anthem.  It's pretty arrogant.
Last time I checked OUR National Anthem belonged to everyone and the freedom that we enjoy in the USA allows us to say/sing whatever we want. You bring up that you are retired military(not only on this site but AGS as well) thanks for your service, but your not unique as myself and many others have served and quite a few Bison fans who happen to say Bison during the National Anthem. Your time in the service does not make you a better person or a more qualified individual on this topic. You would be dead wrong to assume that Bison fans have anything but respect for the anthem when they say Bison at the end. It is our way of inserting respect of our school and honoring those that have served by letting them know that NDSU and its fans have their back and the back of the country.
 If you want to get mad about some disrespect, try getting mad at that player of yours that was holding the flag before your team ran onto the field. Anyone in YSU want to tell him about how it is disrespectful to allow the flag to touch the ground and drag it as he walked back and forth before running to the field. The U.S. flag code states in section 176b that the U.S.flag should not touch the ground. Funny how you yahoos are missing that.

Tenn ...I could not agree more about our team running out with the US flag. I feel like a redneck every time I see them do it. We used to run out with Kamikaze Penguin flags much more respectful and meaningful. In fact, we used to come out with one for each win. I can see carrying out the flag one game in honor of Veteran's Day

Also I think your fans were great ...met several of them at the game. We had a group of them in our section that came to the wrong side ...all was cool, we made room. They were a good lively bunch. Sorry we did not have any tailgate festivities down in the visitor's lot. Usually we have kid's rides and an "oldies" band playing.

I also want to thank you for standing for our hall-of-fame inductees. It was an especially good bunch this time. Pro football player, pro baseball player and the great-one himself ...Jim Tressel. You can say what you want to say about the man, but he gave 15-years to the school and his 1990's teams are the standard by which all I-AA/FCS teams are judged ...including yours. Your fans stood and cheered ...thank you.

Again I am not one to allow changes in the Anthem, but it should be more of a topic of civil conversation ...and less a football conversation. YSU fans ...we are at the far NE edge of the conference & most opponents fans cannot make it to our games so I am happy to see visitors. SO we do not like their change to the Anthem ...all is still well.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2013, 11:27:24 AM by IAA Fan »

Offline DavedS

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Re: Not cool
« Reply #24 on: November 17, 2013, 10:38:45 AM »
Lets end this thinking in that we would have possibly beaten them with a healthy Hess.  Did anyone pay attention to the line of scrimmage and how bad we got man handled on both sides of the ball?    NDSU had a more superior offensive line and defensive line period.  Hess wouldn't have made a difference.  End of topic.
They also did 2 years ago in the Fargodome--I forgot who we had as a qb then.End of topic.

Offline tojo70

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Re: Not cool
« Reply #25 on: November 17, 2013, 10:46:43 AM »
The city of Y-town built this country. They would never understand.
A law requiring how one sings the National Anthem? Sounds like something Nazi's would have done.

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Re: Not cool
« Reply #26 on: November 17, 2013, 11:29:45 AM »
The city of Y-town built this country. They would never understand.
A law requiring how one sings the National Anthem? Sounds like something Nazi's would have done.

Actually Tojo is very common throughout the rest of the civilized world. I would support it 100% in the U.S. We have way too many freedoms and not enough respect as a result.

Besides Tojo ...those Nazi's in Germany always had more class than those Imperialists over in Japan ;)
« Last Edit: November 17, 2013, 11:42:09 AM by IAA Fan »

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Re: Not cool
« Reply #27 on: November 17, 2013, 11:43:23 AM »
All Bison Fans,

How often do you guys get negative feedback about this, especially if you do it on the road?  I could see this upsetting quite a few people, as it can be seen as "vandalizing" an American icon.  Of course you have the freedom to do it, and alot worse, but that is not the issue.  The issue is SHOULD you do it?  I don't know of any other sports team than changes the words to the Anthem.  The closest I can think of is the Baltimore Orioles fans shouting "O!!" during "Oh, say can you see", but that is emphasizing a word, not changing it.

Personally, I think its distasteful, but not a huge deal.  But ask yourselves, is this tradition worth irritating people over, as many reasonable people find it offensive.  I don't feel that it represents your program well.

Regarding the game of football, you have a program to be very proud of.  Congratulations in advance on your third-in-a-row National Championship.
"These two cats that we played against from Youngstown State were as good of pass rushers as I've seen"

--WVU Head Coach Dana Holgorsen

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Re: Not cool
« Reply #28 on: November 17, 2013, 11:56:52 AM »
The city of Y-town built this country. They would never understand. that right?....probably one of the more ignorant things I've ever read.  Congrats on that.

Offline penguinpower

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Re: Not cool
« Reply #29 on: November 17, 2013, 12:19:11 PM »
The city of Y-town built this country. They would never understand. that right?....probably one of the more ignorant things I've ever read.  Congrats on that.

You don't know what I am reffering to, go back to your own board. You are not welcome here.