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Messages - dirtydukes

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Vs. JMU In Game Thread
« on: January 09, 2017, 02:01:47 PM »
At the end of the day missing key players hurt us.  They were too stupid to stay out of trouble and it cost us.

Absolutely. 4 starters being out hurts. 4 of our most important starters at that.
True--Dirtydukes should send them all thank you cards--but I'm sure he's the type that thinks JMU would've still won easily 8)

We went up 21-0 and went into protect mode.  We could have beat you all 84-0.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Vs. JMU In Game Thread
« on: January 08, 2017, 09:30:42 PM »
Boy for all the hype JMU got they seem real overrated. they look slow and un-athletic. 

we should shut down their runnung game with ease especially that RB, beating up on those creampuffs in his career really helps pad those stats.

if Wells can get going, im fully confident we will win with ease.


Ah okay so instead of actual football talk it's go back to your (or you're if you are KilrPengWin) board?  Gotcha.  Buncha Uncle Ricos - bet you'd discuss HS football with me.

Looks like its time for you to get the ban hammer.

Oh no!

Ah okay so instead of actual football talk it's go back to your (or you're if you are KilrPengWin) board?  Gotcha.  Buncha Uncle Ricos - bet you'd discuss HS football with me.

JSU thought they had a good defense too. so did EWU.

How does this relate to our game? Jesus, I'm tired of you pengus hiding behind this.  We heard the same exact thing from NDSU fans... "Oh everyone thinks they can knock us off".   Does anyone on here actually talk football?

Comparing results of the Richmond game with JMU and EWU has very little value because Richmond by the start of the playoffs had endured ridiculous season-ending injuries to 11 starters including their stud quarterback.  They might have been healthy when they played JMU.

I fully expect JMU to be at full strength on their offensive line.  But if they must play without their tackle who was out against NDSU and without their center who was injured during the NDSU game, I like our chances at controlling the trenches. 

Our fate will probably rest with our offensive line.  These guys rolled up over 200 yards on the ground against at least three teams (UNI, Jacksonville State, Wofford) that were, at the time, giving up less than 100 rushing yards.

Yep, exactly that.  Also, for a team who has come on late I'd expect you all to realize that the Richmond game was a turning point for our team.  The results thereafter are a way better sample of who our team really is. 

Our DLine and LB corps held NDSU's run game in check, so I think we will be able to do the same to you all.  We're really lucky that if you stack the box our QB and WRs can make you pay and if you decide to cover the pass our RB and even QB if needed can move the chains on the ground. 

Even if we weren't at full strength on our OLine, is your DLine that much better than NDSU's?  Because even down our center and right tackle we were able to make big plays.

We don't stack the box and usually only rush 4. LB and DB attack on runs, but are susceptible to getting it thrown over their heads.

That's bad news for you guys then, as our team is excellent at throwing the deep ball.  Schor has so many different weapons to throw to as well.

Comparing results of the Richmond game with JMU and EWU has very little value because Richmond by the start of the playoffs had endured ridiculous season-ending injuries to 11 starters including their stud quarterback.  They might have been healthy when they played JMU.

I fully expect JMU to be at full strength on their offensive line.  But if they must play without their tackle who was out against NDSU and without their center who was injured during the NDSU game, I like our chances at controlling the trenches. 

Our fate will probably rest with our offensive line.  These guys rolled up over 200 yards on the ground against at least three teams (UNI, Jacksonville State, Wofford) that were, at the time, giving up less than 100 rushing yards.

Yep, exactly that.  Also, for a team who has come on late I'd expect you all to realize that the Richmond game was a turning point for our team.  The results thereafter are a way better sample of who our team really is. 

Our DLine and LB corps held NDSU's run game in check, so I think we will be able to do the same to you all.  We're really lucky that if you stack the box our QB and WRs can make you pay and if you decide to cover the pass our RB and even QB if needed can move the chains on the ground. 

Even if we weren't at full strength on our OLine, is your DLine that much better than NDSU's?  Because even down our center and right tackle we were able to make big plays. 

Is it true that you guys are only bringing 1/4th of your team as well because your Athletic Department screwed up booking plane tickets?

JK, sorry, trying to get some chatter going over here.

It is true..that is all we will need.. ;D


Haha, well played sir!

Is it true that you guys are only bringing 1/4th of your team as well because your Athletic Department screwed up booking plane tickets?

JK, sorry, trying to get some chatter going over here.

My recommendation for the bottle is:

Made right here in Louisville KY. I'll have an extra bottle with me $60.00 (retail price)! This is hands down the best Bourbon on the planet!!

I don't think you can buy this in VA or OH???

Works for me!  I'm thinking a bottle of John J Bowman which is a VA bourbon if we lose.  Researching to see if there are any better VA bourbons or whiskeys.

Wow, 7 suspended players for JMU. Starting WR and LB are 2 of them.

They were all suspended before NDSU - our 2nd string LB came in and had 16 tackles.  The guy who made the game winning catch was our #1 WR's backup. 

As for your DLine, we've faced some pretty good ones this year - UNC, Villanova, UR, supposedly SHSU (but lol) and NDSU.  I'm excited to see how our OLine does against you.

As for the 06 game, I understand taht you guys felt we were disrespectful, but I've never been around a bigger group of sore winners than you all.  Our walk back to the bus was full of people cursing and throwing things at us.  After you won.  So I understand where a lot of the animosity from JMU fans comes from.  It also came from us being a defacto #5 seed and getting sent to the #4.

Dana Holgorsen of WVU said something along the lines of our DE were as good as he's seen, so yeah probably better than the likes of Nova and UR. I hope they are healthy and you can judge for yourself.

I have no tolerance for it, but even you have to admit that the post game treatment had to be the result of the in game antics, at least to some degree. No offense but biggest jerks I've seen short of GaSo, and that was in the 90's.

The 2 TD board nonsense sounds like there are some bitter pills left unswallowed.

Not sure what in game antics you mean?  Mickey was always animated, and our fans were loud and supportive of our team.  If anything, there were some calls that went the home team's way, as is to be expected. 

I'll be honest, I think we win by a lot.  It's no disrespect to you guys but going in and dominating NDSU in the FargoDome has given us a lot confidence.  Of course, that's why you play the game. 

For me the biggest deciding factor is that no one has shut down both sides of our offense all year - if someone keys in on the run we throw like crazy and vice versa.  A wet day where it's hard to get a handle on the ball sure would change my opinion.

What's a lot?
And how much money do you have?
I will be there so you and I can settle the bet there.

17 points?  I won't bet money but I'll bet you a bottle of whiskey?

Bottle of Whiskey works for me

Let's set some guidelines - I got burned by a guy on AGS.  If the Dukes win by 17 or more points by end of game, you owe me a bottle of whiskey.  If you want, we can put a range on the price.  $50-75 I'd say but lemme know if you think differently.  If the Dukes win by 16-1 or the Pengus win then I owe you a bottle.  Loser pays shipping cost unless we exchange at Frisco. Deal?

Wow, 7 suspended players for JMU. Starting WR and LB are 2 of them.

They were all suspended before NDSU - our 2nd string LB came in and had 16 tackles.  The guy who made the game winning catch was our #1 WR's backup. 

As for your DLine, we've faced some pretty good ones this year - UNC, Villanova, UR, supposedly SHSU (but lol) and NDSU.  I'm excited to see how our OLine does against you.

As for the 06 game, I understand taht you guys felt we were disrespectful, but I've never been around a bigger group of sore winners than you all.  Our walk back to the bus was full of people cursing and throwing things at us.  After you won.  So I understand where a lot of the animosity from JMU fans comes from.  It also came from us being a defacto #5 seed and getting sent to the #4.

Dana Holgorsen of WVU said something along the lines of our DE were as good as he's seen, so yeah probably better than the likes of Nova and UR. I hope they are healthy and you can judge for yourself.

I have no tolerance for it, but even you have to admit that the post game treatment had to be the result of the in game antics, at least to some degree. No offense but biggest jerks I've seen short of GaSo, and that was in the 90's.

The 2 TD board nonsense sounds like there are some bitter pills left unswallowed.

Not sure what in game antics you mean?  Mickey was always animated, and our fans were loud and supportive of our team.  If anything, there were some calls that went the home team's way, as is to be expected. 

I'll be honest, I think we win by a lot.  It's no disrespect to you guys but going in and dominating NDSU in the FargoDome has given us a lot confidence.  Of course, that's why you play the game. 

For me the biggest deciding factor is that no one has shut down both sides of our offense all year - if someone keys in on the run we throw like crazy and vice versa.  A wet day where it's hard to get a handle on the ball sure would change my opinion.

What's a lot?
And how much money do you have?
I will be there so you and I can settle the bet there.

17 points?  I won't bet money but I'll bet you a bottle of whiskey?

Wow, 7 suspended players for JMU. Starting WR and LB are 2 of them.

They were all suspended before NDSU - our 2nd string LB came in and had 16 tackles.  The guy who made the game winning catch was our #1 WR's backup. 

As for your DLine, we've faced some pretty good ones this year - UNC, Villanova, UR, supposedly SHSU (but lol) and NDSU.  I'm excited to see how our OLine does against you.

As for the 06 game, I understand taht you guys felt we were disrespectful, but I've never been around a bigger group of sore winners than you all.  Our walk back to the bus was full of people cursing and throwing things at us.  After you won.  So I understand where a lot of the animosity from JMU fans comes from.  It also came from us being a defacto #5 seed and getting sent to the #4.

Dana Holgorsen of WVU said something along the lines of our DE were as good as he's seen, so yeah probably better than the likes of Nova and UR. I hope they are healthy and you can judge for yourself.

I have no tolerance for it, but even you have to admit that the post game treatment had to be the result of the in game antics, at least to some degree. No offense but biggest jerks I've seen short of GaSo, and that was in the 90's.

The 2 TD board nonsense sounds like there are some bitter pills left unswallowed.

Not sure what in game antics you mean?  Mickey was always animated, and our fans were loud and supportive of our team.  If anything, there were some calls that went the home team's way, as is to be expected. 

I'll be honest, I think we win by a lot.  It's no disrespect to you guys but going in and dominating NDSU in the FargoDome has given us a lot confidence.  Of course, that's why you play the game. 

For me the biggest deciding factor is that no one has shut down both sides of our offense all year - if someone keys in on the run we throw like crazy and vice versa.  A wet day where it's hard to get a handle on the ball sure would change my opinion. 

If any of you JMU fans can tell your moderator I applied for the JMU site 3 days ago and my application is still not approved.  Very appreciated; can't find any way to ask what is up on the site.

It's not our site - CSNBBS is a privately owned site and the mods on our board don't do approval - I can PM the main guy though to see if he can approve - do you have the same handle over there? 

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Frisco tickets. .
« on: December 20, 2016, 09:18:18 AM »
Is it true you guys only took 2 of your 5 allotted sections? JMU ticket office reporting that we have 3 sections on your side of the field in our allotment.

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