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Topics - YSUFANSINCE1990

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YSU Penguin Athletics / EVAN CROUTCH
« on: November 19, 2014, 03:54:43 PM »
  Just heard from someone who would know, that YSU football recruit Evan Croutch from Boardman is now not coming and last night committed to Ohio U.  Story goes that he was at the Ohio vs Northern Illinois game and made his decision afterwards.

  Anyone else hear this?

« on: October 13, 2014, 01:04:31 PM »
 Yes, Saturday's loss was disappointing, but far too early to give up on the season.  We need to grind out 8 wins to make the playoffs.  If we don't then we begin the discussion on the future.

 A few thoughts though, currently YSU is not in good shape financially, the faculty is considering a strike vote because of health care issues.   There have also been layoffs.    So, if we indeed decided at the end of the year to change coaches, can we really pay $250 thousand plus for a coach?   I would more like $150-200 at best.   I read in some other posts about Mark Snyder or Pat Narduzzi.   Both are coordinators at high profile programs, likely making at least a half million dollars a year, we have no shot to get either of them.

  YSU would need to get lucky and higher an up and coming coach who has a desire to be a head coach, or former player now coaching who would want to coach here.   Pete Rekstis is one name I keep hearing.  He is the defensive coordinator at Rhode Island, a former defensive back for Jim Tressel and teammate of Ron Strollo.

 He can't be making much money.  The problem with Rekstis is he was involved in a scandal at Florida Atlantic, not sure he would be the right hire.

 I started attending YSU games in 1990, but I had a long time fan tell me at the game the other night that during the first few years of the Tressel era we were getting crowds of less than 5000 on a regular basis.  Now we have less population than 20 years ago, so the crowds we are getting are normal until we begin winning again on a consistent level, and that means making the playoffs.

« on: September 08, 2014, 09:31:43 AM »
 There seems to be a lot of conversation about Saturday's lack of attendance Saturday, I heard Dan Rivers on WKBN talking about it this morning.  First, we haven't made the playoffs and won, thats the biggest reason.

But I think the other problem is the weak non-conference schedule.  I have no issue with playing Duquesne, it balances out playing an FBS school.  But we should not be playing Butler and St Francis, it does nothing for us.  Butler struggled to beat D-3 Wittenberg, fans are too smart to buy into coming to these games.   I see where Southern Illinois beat Eastern Illinois Saturday, and North Dakota State played at a solid Weber State.  Why don't we schedule home and home with the likes of Delaware, Villanova, James Madison and so on.

Our home schedule this year is so bad, especially since North Dakota State and South Dakota State are on the road.   I know some get tired of hearing about the Tressel era, but he would play one D-2, then schedule some good teams.  I remember playing Stephen F Austin home and away, Towson State home and away as well.   

My sense is YSU may be afraid to lose, but going to Missouri State at 3-1, will we really know anything about this team?

« on: August 07, 2014, 01:13:14 PM »
I am new to the board, and posted  few weeks ago, my post disappeared, it is possible I somehow deleted it.   I read the posts on the Top 25 Poll, and I do agree about the "strong" 8-4 comment.  I think it shows how far how our program and has fallen, and the perception by our athletic department.

I am not a YSU grad, my wife is though and I have been going to games since 1990.  YSU did not deserve to make the playoffs last year; losing to an injury depleted Northern Iowa, and blown out in back to back games at home, we looked nothing like a playoff team.

I see three major issues with Eric Wolford and his failure to reach the playoffs in his three years:
1.  2-10 combined against UNI, North Dakota State, and South Dakota State, he can't win big games.
2. YSU plays best ball early in season, they don't get better, most well coached teams improve.
3.  Defense is always below average, now on third defensive coordinator in 5 years.

My question would be, are we getting a good return on our investement in Wolford?  Salaries from Heacock era doubled, we commit a lot of money to football.  I believe Wolford thought by now he would a perennial playoff team and he would be long gone for the SEC.   My opinion, he is not a head coach, but an offensive line coach.  He does not display the qualities of a leader.

Our fan base in diminishing, but the YSU Athletic Department doesn't seem to have a sense of urgency, same old same old.    Don't get me started on basketball, we reward mediocrity in the basketball program, and to hear YSU talk Jerry Slocum is a great coach.   

Anyway, I go to most of the home games, used to go to all of them.  But you are what you pretend you are!   Football is just an average program, and I would see this year being 7-5, and that seems good enough for the powers at YSU.

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