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Messages - JP21

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Penguin Game Day: Penguins vs. Bulldogs
« on: November 28, 2016, 03:46:56 AM »
Do you peoole know anything regarding copyright laws?  You can't use the YSU logo without receiving permission from the university. You can't just use the logo anywhere you feel like and have it be ok because you are a student or whatever.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: What Can We Do to Improve Football Attendance?
« on: November 27, 2016, 02:12:53 PM »
Everyone is failing to see one important thing.  The loges were packed and that is where the money is. As well as the die hard fans like us that sat in the stands cheering.  Even with as scarce as it was yesterday the University I can assure didn't lose money even after bidding to host yesterday.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Penguin Game Day: Penguins vs. Bulldogs
« on: November 26, 2016, 11:16:22 PM »
People should be shamed for not attending games.  I've been going to games since I was a kid and I'm 34 now.  They have been bad for a long time but if you are a true follower you will support the team or you will make excuses bottom line.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU vs WVU
« on: September 08, 2016, 09:41:03 PM »
I notified the Vindicator that it's televised on Root Sports, so it should be in the paper tomorrow or Saturday.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU vs WVU
« on: September 08, 2016, 03:53:55 PM »
The game is on Root Sports. Same channel that carried the WVU press conference and Pirates games.  Anyone that has Armstrong can see the game on channel 179.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU/MVFC Preseason Rankings
« on: July 25, 2016, 01:31:15 PM »
YSU was not beating the Buckeye's in the 90's.  Although it is fun to think it.  8)

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Strollo Article in Vindy
« on: December 01, 2015, 07:37:09 PM »
Sounds like more excuses to me. Our success was determined on those few games just like it was the last 4 years Strollo said.  Sounds like an excuse to me.  You can get away with that one year but when it happens 5 years in a row I think there is more to it then it was a few plays.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU Football ends at 5-6. What now?
« on: November 22, 2015, 01:46:04 AM »
Drop down to D2.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Pass Interference?
« on: November 17, 2015, 01:34:49 PM »
You NDSU fans are a joke.  How about the holding all day on your offensive line because they couldn't block for s***.  Ohh nobody talks about that.  YSU has no qb, a depleted offensive line and we still dominated you a$$holes all day.  Bottom line is if the defender doesn't impede the receiver from making a catch there should be no call.  The ball was 40 feet over the receivers head anyway.  Gtfo our message board how about that.
Holding happens on almost every play by the offense, it just depends on how severe it is as to weather it gets called no matter what team it is.
  From what I saw you have two QBs one for each style of play you want to yes you do have a QB. NDSU on the other hand lost their star NFL caliber QB and are using our freshman backup so we have more right to say have no QB than you.
 If your offensive line dominated us all day then how come you had no 3rd down conversions the entire second half and in the 4th quarter had 3 consecutive 3 and outs and had a total yardage of -2. Is that what your team calls total domination, no wonder you don't see the PI call.
 Show us any official who will not call PI when a defender gets caught pulling on the jersey of a receiver. Believe what you want, but the facts are that is a penalty that was not 40 feet above the players heads and uncatchable or how did they get their hands on it.
 How about that!

Notice how I said your offensive line was holding all day.  With a depleted offensive line we still controlled you all game so what is your point?  Thanks for explaining how holding works, I played football for many years and I aware of what is holding and what isn't.   When your end has his arm around Rivers neck that is holding my friend, not sure what they consider holding in Fargo.   Point is NDSU receiver wasn't catching that ball either way.  The only person who could reach thay ball was our defender.  The ball was uncatchabale and that was a bush league pass interference call. 

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Pass Interference?
« on: November 16, 2015, 11:16:31 PM »
You NDSU fans are a joke.  How about the holding all day on your offensive line because they couldn't block for s***.  Ohh nobody talks about that.  YSU has no qb, a depleted offensive line and we still dominated you a$$holes all day.  Bottom line is if the defender doesn't impede the receiver from making a catch there should be no call.  The ball was 40 feet over the receivers head anyway.  Gtfo our message board how about that.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Bo
« on: November 16, 2015, 01:59:58 PM »
Paladin was right, it turned into a circus.  I am not surprised though that is who Bo is typical Youngstown hot head.  It will continue to cost us games and I don't see it changing.

In defense of Krispinsky (TV main) and Hannon (radio main) ...they are both very good and call it the way it happened. You will hear words similar to "YSU got away with that one" many times. I have heard them all and he is the best in the conference. On away games I will turn the TV down and hope the radio is not too far off the TV or internet. If it is a TV game will be close, but internet is usually way off in timing, so I end up listening to the away guys.

I also like to listen to Hannon and Sammerone on the radio. Yesterday Hannon was getting a little ridiculous almost seemed like he ws pro NDSU but ye isn't.  Chad is a nice guy but he is irritating to listen to because he gets excited for everything even when it's not that big of a deal.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: 4th Quarter
« on: November 16, 2015, 12:52:57 AM »
I'm referring to you sucking in terms of how good you have been in years past.  I am also taking into consideration that you have a back up QB.  You guys are having a bad year in terms of other years. YSU has a long way to go unfortunately.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: 4th Quarter
« on: November 15, 2015, 09:33:46 PM »
I'm sorry folks but NDSU sucks this year and it's not even close.  They shouldn't have even been in that game if it wasn't for our horrible special teams and inept offense in the 4th quarter. 

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