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Messages - Dukester

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JSU thought they had a good defense too. so did EWU.

You're right - just because we played well against SHSU and NDSU means nothing.   JSU and EWU accomplished the same.....

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: 570 tonight
« on: January 03, 2017, 11:10:43 AM »
I wonder if we could put in a FOIA for how much YSU bid for playoff games. JMU almost always loses bids to their home playoff games. Heck, it's likely most schools outside of NDSU end up whiffing on the bids. I would think the band should be there, I believe each school gets up to 350 band tickets. JMU can't bring there whole band for the seats but like Jacksonville State last year they may be able to be seated elsewhere.

we've only been outbid once. ever.

that was when EKU had the OVC kick in a ton of money to help with their bid.

what are you talking about ? YSU outbid you in 06.

No - YSU was one of the four seeded teams in 2006.  Had nothing to do with a bid. 

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: 570 tonight
« on: January 03, 2017, 11:07:02 AM »
It was not a ton of money OVC pitched in, but enough that topped our bid. 

See, JMU fans disagree too.  ;) 

JMU bid based on what they thought they would need to win the bid, versus what they thought they could bid based on attendance.  We rolled the dice and lost.  What made it much worse is it was the first year of our new stadium which we sold out for the year at 25k per game.  They did not take in to account OVC pitching in some money.  Either way it was not that much, and there is no way you lose a bid in your first year of a new stadium that was sold out every game.  I believe to make matters even worse our AD was on the selection committee. 

Does anyone know the 7 players suspended by JMU?  Do they compare to our 5 who were not only starters, but significant starters in most cases.  How about the depth of JMU compared to YSU to replace those suspended?  Also it appears that the YSU starters were suspended due to testing by the NCAA.  Any word on the JMU suspensions and their source of the suspensions.  I know that most of this is conjecture since all programs do not release names, let alone reasons and sources of suspensions.

5 of our 7 players out were occasional back ups at most.  We did lose one of our top receivers, and our leading tackler for the year.  Certainly players we would like to have, but those are two positions we had plenty of depth.  Those players were both in rotations....

The difference our offense poses for you guys is that it is both good passing and running.   Before the  suspension of our WR you could argue it's both the best running and passing game JMU has ever had. 

Are defense struggled at times earlier in the season, especially covering receivers.  Your recipe to a win would likely be running the ball, and eating up the clock.....  Our pass coverage of late has been pretty good.  Ask SHSU. 

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: ticketgate
« on: December 23, 2016, 04:14:53 PM »
Folks, here's a positive way to spin this. When we're back in Frisco next season, can our Athletic Department not lie and screw up?!

Next year, everyone on the opposite side of the bracket will be rooting for you guys.

You have that going for ya.   ;D

I'm quite happy with our opponent!   8)

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: How healthy will the Guins be?
« on: December 22, 2016, 04:19:28 PM »
Red, I have to disagree with you.  If anybody has inside information about the injuries, please keep that to yourself.  Keep JMU guessing about which players they will face and what kind of physical condition they will be in.  JMU played NDSU without a starting tackle, then lost their center during the game.  They certainly will not report about their status, and we should be equally as evasive.

Have to disagree - both linemen are out for the year.   :(

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Frisco tickets. .
« on: December 22, 2016, 08:08:46 AM »
"You don't think we'd sell 4k?"

No. Never in a million years. let alone less than a week before Christmas. Even less of those people would have thought we would be this far. Even bigger "laugher" ...on-line web site to sell tickets? Did not realize we had become such a culturally and technologically advanced East Coast city. Come on ...most of our parents pounded steel, turned bolts on a GM wheel assembly, or put solder and electrical tape on a GM wiring harness to raise us ...and did damn good job at making more money that a typical YSU or JMU grad. Ever been to a YSU game and seen our fan base? What maybe 5 people would hit it? Biggest laugh of them all, that more than 25% of the JMU fans that supposedly bought tickets will actually be there.

Let To further support my theory ...did you go to the YSU v WVU game? Maybe surpassed only slightly the first OSU vs. YSU game. as most YSU fans in attendance (like myself) live in Columbus. No way there was more than 1k in attendance at agame that sold for $65 a ticket and is a 3-hour drive away in summer tell you that far more people want to see the Buckeyes than James Madison. BTW I have been to every national championship game prior to this one.

Here is a hint, call anyone of the less than 1k fans of NDSU that presold. Lots of tickets available. Always the same trio of idiots in here insulting everything we do. If all else fails up there will be plenty of seats. You want to know how to do it? Try adding a quality package to your season ticket holders with a $40 reserve. It is this reserve that you use for your allotment figure (yes it may be closer to 2k at that point because it is summer). If you are even smarter, you ask them to allow the University to keep the $40 (and match it should the team not make the final) as a donation as your final tax break prior to the new year. It is perfectly legal. THAT is how a major university thinks!!!

Then when you are done with all of that, you ask the NCAA why we are on ESPN2 when the DII and DIII championship games got ESPN. Then ask them why Frisco Texas at a stadium sponsored by some teir-II or III Pizza Hut agency puts a placard on?

Totally disagree with you.  I don't think you understand the interest for a national championship.

JMU had 500 fans at NDSU last week.  At UNC (about 3-4 hours away) we had about 1,500 fans earlier in the season.  We will have over 10,000 fans at the NC.

For the 2004 Championship run we had 3 times the fans at Chattanooga than the combined three road games to get there. 

Plus the way it's set up now, you have 3 weeks to set up plans/travel after purchasing tickets. 

I'm sure the situation will deter a lot of fans that would of come if seats were available from the school and they could of guaranteed sitting within an YSU section.  I would of gotten this is we were talking about a school like Wofford, but YSU?????

Is the rumor true about 7 JMU players being suspended?

They were suspended for the NDSU game as well. Same team that beat the Bison will be playing us.

Does anyone know for sure that our 5 suspended players are not going to play for the championship game? I don't know if this has anything to do with the suspension. The academic semester is officially over the day after the EWU game. We are now technically into the next semester.
However, I thought someone on this board had suggested that the suspension would last for 6 months or half a season into next year. Is that true?

Marijuana is 6-months ...everything else (non-steroid) is one year. This is mandatory. The NCAA only recently reduced it to 6-months. I will go out to and find it for us.

Weird cause Ohio State surely doesn't suspend players 6 months for weed.

Program issued weed must be ok.   :D

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: National Championship Gear
« on: December 21, 2016, 04:52:11 PM »
I got a JIC shirt in 2004 and we won.  Since I'm superstitious I guess I better do it again.   :-\

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: National Championship Gear
« on: December 21, 2016, 02:57:07 PM »
I get wanting to support local shops, but this shirt from JMU is da sh--

He, he - that's the just in case shirt.  You want to have something just in case you don't win, but if you win the championship gear is preferred.   8)

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: JMU-NDSU
« on: December 21, 2016, 02:38:40 PM »
NDSU makes excellent haltime adjustments.  Berfore the half they couldnt fitnthe runs, now they are shuttimg them down.

I'm sure that made adjustments, but the running also declined when our Center got injured and was replace by a Freshman.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Frisco tickets. .
« on: December 21, 2016, 11:29:50 AM »
We only asked for 1k because we lost 35k and 45k on the playoff games.  They lost their shirt and with the poor turnout I think they were skidding about taking the full allotment.

Were they expecting 20k to be at the playoff games ? Are there even 20k people left living in the city limits ? Give me a break. Strollo and the whole athletic department are a joke. Have you heard a peep from them since saturdays game ? Besides a measly tweet and Facebook post ? The most important game in our football program since 1999. What a crock of sh*t.

 The problem lies with the people of Youngstown.  They routinely turn out 10k for high school football games but do not attend YSU games.
I enjoy high school football and go to plenty of games and I can assure you attendance at local HS games is down as well. Furthermore, I struggle to believe ANY game this year had 10k. Old SVC games maybe had 7500 if they were lucky and those are the big time local schools. We have issues but from someone that lives here, I don't think that is the problem at all.

I don't get how you only ordered 1k of your 4k allotment.  JMU was only had 60% full in the playoffs.  That happens in the playoffs.    It appears we'll have at least 10k at Frisco.  Our attendance won't be that much less (33% lees) than home playoff games.   To reserve only 1k and give JMU 7k?  That is beyond nuts.  We've been outbid twice by much less supported programs over the last 12 years, so we've had our own frustrations, but only taking 1K of tickets probably takes the cake.   ???


I'm a JMU fan, but would not take a bet for more than the line.   8)

About 2006....  We had a very good team that year that was one of the favorites to win it all as you were.  For us it was worse because not only did we need to play another contender but had to do so on the road on a short week.  We've had a history of being screwed by the selection committee in the past, as well as by our own admin in the bidding process.

I think the reason for not liking the JMU fans is 1) they are very vocal, and 2) the streamers are a different twist especially in your stands.

I know our admin was not real happy with your admin (in advance of the event) in the way the event was handled, but forget the reason....

Both teams have exceeded expectations this last month.  This will be two well coached teams.  How can either fan base not be optimistic or confident?

On ASU's side - you're from easily the best conference in 1AA/FCS.  Obviously battle tested.  Played WVU well. Have a coach from a major program.  Good QB, and Defense.  You've been counted out for the last 6 months, while knocking off top 5 teams on the way.  You have history with your program, so you've tasted success.

On JMU side - Only loss was to UNC and have been playing the best ball in it's history the last month.  JMU was up 65-0 after three quarters against the highest scoring offense in FCS/#5 seed/#1 ranked SHSU.  JMU went into the Dome and knocked out #1 seed/5 year reigning champs.   JMU is one of the best supported teams in FCS.

Two teams unexpected by most will come to play in a couple weeks.

As a JMU fan, I do hate waiting 3 weeks after playing three great playoff games.  Hope the time off does not hurt momentum. 

On a three week layoff - coaching will be key.

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