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Messages - YSUFANSINCE1990

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Invisible Championship
« on: January 13, 2015, 08:44:12 AM »
  I completely agree on FCS title meaning nothing to ESPN.  They spent as much time showing AT&T Stadium promoting last nights game as they did convering this game.

 We need to be realistic, FCS football is not a big deal. Even some of our home games had less than 2000 fans.   I watched the YSU game at Illinois State, maybe 3 thousand.   Also for YSU, Ohio State doesn't help.   Now that they are defending national champs, they will be even more popular.  I know some here get mad when Ohio State is mentioned, but to the casual fan, watching Ohio State on TV is more appealing than watching YSU play teams they know nothing about.

 I looked at ND State and Illinois State's roster, they are both young, especially at the skilled positions.  To be a real contender next year, and not just sneak into the playoffs, we need some 1-A transfers.   Also, South Dakota State is very young, they do lose the great back in Zenner.


YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Eric Wolford
« on: January 09, 2015, 08:45:21 AM »
  I agree with Penguinpower, not sure why there seems to be a strong core of Shane Montgomery supporters.  Offense clearly backed up this year, and the Indiiana State showing was pathetic.  Even the win over lowly South Dakota, for three quarters the offense did nothing.

 Also appears he can't get a better job, failed as a head coach at Miami, Oh.  I too wish Coach Wolford the best of luck.  But it is unrealistic to think Eric Wolford could be the next head coach at Kansas State. going from O line coach to head coach at Kansas State is not gonna happen.  Wolford would need to revive his head coaching career at a small FBS before being ever being considered for the head coaching job at a top 25 program.

 Wolford may be better suited to be a top notch assistant coach and not a head coach.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Assistant Coaches
« on: January 07, 2015, 08:05:40 AM »
 I hear that Carl Pelini, Bo's brother will be the defensive coordinator.  Not sure with his checkered past this is the best move.  My source may be wrong, but he usually is spot on.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Guins vs. UIC
« on: January 05, 2015, 01:56:03 PM »
  From what I hear, those in the athletic department who make the decisions think Slocum is doing a good job.  It is pathetic that a head coach 70-80 games under 500 over a considerable period of time is considered doing well.   Bottom line, we only care about football, I am not judging, stating the facts.

 As for UIC, they are awful, that was a miserable loss.  I really don't see the value ad for Slocum to continue.  He looks miserable, really doesn't seem to be out in the community(at least Wolford was out and about and doing work for charity).

 We are like the Indiana of Big 10 Football, everyones whipping boy.  Where a .500 record is looked at as WIN. 

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Let the fun begin...
« on: December 18, 2014, 03:51:42 PM »
  I hope Pelini wins championships and is the best thing to hit Youngstown since Jim Tressel.  But some of the comments defending his behavior are amazing.   The comment about Bear Bryant, this isn't 1970 anymore.   Times have changed, coaches now get fired for things that were common place decades ago.

 Why do you think Pelini isn't coaching at an FBS program?  Maybe they didn't want to deal with his BS.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Let the fun begin...
« on: December 18, 2014, 07:00:53 AM »
 For the first time since joining this board, I agree with Paladin.  Part, not all, but at least part of the reason Coach Wolford was fired was because  he and his wife not having  the most favorable image in the community.   You can't have it both ways.

 That kind of language is unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.   Pelini is a leader, supposed to mold young men.  Please don't say that is 'ok' in Youngstown, that is why we get a bad rap.   Only the 'Mooney Loonies" could condone that kind of behavior.

  Tressel better reel Pelini in early.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Announcement Tomorrow - Pelini
« on: December 16, 2014, 11:28:06 AM »
 Peteonastick is right on the money.  Pelini returning to Youngstown tonight, introduced tomorrow.   

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Official: Head Coach Search Thread
« on: December 11, 2014, 03:14:56 PM »
  Happy Penguin said it best, program needs a real shot in the arm.  A news conference with Pelini would draw hundreds if open to the public, Hood a handful of media only.

  Rather new to this board, whats up with Paladin, why such an arrogant hater.  His comments that Hood might get some Meyer cast offs from Ohio State since they are buddies is laughable.  How many cast offs did we get from Ohio State with Heacock here and Tressel at OSU?

 Also his commemts about being impressed with Hood's credentials at Wake Forest,  how is that more impressive than Pelini's credentials?  He was D coordinator on LSU team that won the national title.

  If not Bo Pelini, will take awhile and return to playoffs to re-engage fan base.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Could Bo Pelini be coming to YSU?
« on: December 08, 2014, 08:45:49 AM »
  I was at the Boardman vs Harding basketball game Friday, and a guy in front of me, who sounded like he was informed and talking to the right people, swears YSU is in serious talks with Bo Pelini.

 I know, it sounds like a long shot.  But this guy says money not an issue, getting paid from Nebraska.  He and his wife are from the Mahoning Valley, and if he got YSU rolling again it would open the door to another FBS job in a few years.   He also said Bo wants to be a head coach, and an FBS job not likely next year.

 This guy says Strollo, working with President Tressel have put all their focus on Pelini, and are working with community leaders to get it done.   He did add that it is probably 50/50 at best that he takes the YSU job, but if Pelini is even considering it, that would be a huge get for Strollo and YSU.

 Whether you like Pelini or not, and it is debatable whether he did a good job at Nebraska, this kind of hire
would give our program a huge boost, at least in my opinion.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Official: Head Coach Search Thread
« on: December 04, 2014, 09:41:32 AM »
  Dave Warner is the only one on the list who would be an upgrade from Coach Wolford.  Somewhat disappointing that we can't attract someone who is not connected to Tressel.   Snyder just fired, and losing record as head coach at Marshall; Treadwell a disaster as head coach at Miami of Ohio, why would we want to hire someone who failed elsewhere as a head coach?

 Amazing that this job can't attract better candidates.   WHen we hired Wolford he was an offensive line coach, can't we get at least a coordinator?

« on: November 26, 2014, 08:20:28 AM »
 Jim Tressel can be very persuasive.  He could convince Fickel that YSU is a much better place to jump start his head coaching career than the MAC.  Better facilities and more opportunity to succeed.  Also, Fickel would have the comfort of knowing Tressel has his back.

 Also Fickel may tired of always feeling Urban Meyer is going to bring in his own guy to run the defense.  YSU football needs a big shot on the arm, let's face it the other names being mentioned don't do much for more.  I think Brian Wright would be an awful hire, no personality from what I remember when he was here before.  Also, his career nothing spectacular. We need a star, Fickel is a brand name from one of the top programs in the country.

 Issues would be a huge pay cut, and one story I read is that his wife loves Columbus.  But for some, power is more important than money.

 Regardless, we need a 'wow factor'.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Decision Time
« on: November 24, 2014, 02:56:39 PM »
  Wolford is done.  My guess they wait til tomorrow, didn't want to overshadow the new contract signed today by faculty.

18-22 in the conference, no playoff berth in 5 years, and program has become irrelevant in our community.  He has no shot to survive.

YSU Penguin Athletics / EVAN CROUTCH
« on: November 19, 2014, 03:54:43 PM »
  Just heard from someone who would know, that YSU football recruit Evan Croutch from Boardman is now not coming and last night committed to Ohio U.  Story goes that he was at the Ohio vs Northern Illinois game and made his decision afterwards.

  Anyone else hear this?

 Paladin, not going to get into a battle with you.  My point, other than Rivers the past 5 years, who were are standout defenders?   As for ther secondardy, #1, Julius Childs can't play at this level.  His coverage liabilities have been exposed all season, teams pick on him every games.

 Prior to Tressel arriving at Ohio State, they were playing in bowl games against Air Force under John Cooper and losing to Michigan every year, so something changed.    Great coaches can win right away, just need to find a great coach.

 49er underachieved for a decade with bad head coaches, Jim Harbaugh comes in and first year a playoff team.  Luke Fickel a deer in the headlights goes 6-6 at Ohio State, Urban Meyer wins right away.   Same can be said the other way.   Tressel hands Heacock the keys to the kingdom, and program quickly takes a hit.

 I would disagree that a coaching change puts you back to square one.   The 'right coach' can quickly win.  Indiana State is on the verge of the playoffs in just Mike Sanford's  second year, Jim Tressel won a national title in his second year at Ohio State.

 I would agree our talent on offense has been upgraded, but YSU has average players at best on defense.  Our secondary has never been good under Wolford, maybe it is the lack of talent and not blame the 3 defensive coordinators we have had the past five years.   Other than Derek Rivers, we have no game changers.   Also, never have been tough enough up front, and linebacker play not that good.

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