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Messages - gbs20

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: The reality of Youngstown St. Football
« on: September 04, 2018, 08:16:54 AM »
Correction. The university does not have record enrollment.  Not too long ago it was over 15,000, about 2500 more than now. The campus apartment boom has created more on campus housing and was supposed to lead to more of a true campus environment. Not sure that is happening. Is the student section larger and more enthusiastic? 

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Campus Updates
« on: March 22, 2018, 08:54:32 PM »
Boardman was sold to the owner of Avalon and Squaw Creek. Plans to remove 4 of the 8 courts for other uses. Need six for college matches so its out.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Monty is gone.
« on: December 31, 2017, 08:57:57 AM »
So Bo has been here several years and the undercurrent has been that he will leave when his Nebraska buyout is over.  You have to believe that this is hurting recruiting as it does when a coach is on the hot seat or close to retirement. Wouldnt it also hurt his ability to hire quality assistants?  Has Bo made a strong commitment to stay here for the long term other than the usual perfunctory statements?

YSU Penguin Athletics / Athletic Spending
« on: March 22, 2017, 09:02:20 AM »
Interesting numbers...the situation is much more complicated that the article implies but the first place to start is with data..

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Next coach
« on: March 11, 2017, 08:07:16 AM »
Whats the expectation for the program? As is? Be in middle of pack in HOrizon and occassionally compete for championship? Be competitive for championship most years? How that question is answered determines how much is spent on a coach and who is gone after. 

Second, who are the comparables to YSU---FCS regional state universivties in low mid major basketball conferences.  HOw much do competitive basketball programs spend compared to YSU? Is YSU about the same? Above or significantly below them?

These are rhetorical questions mostly, but presumably the powers that be are asking them as they go forward. The answers should define the search not wish lists of coaches. 

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Slocum Retiring
« on: March 09, 2017, 12:00:22 PM »
Lets put some context to the comment about Jim Cleamons...First, he was hired in September right before the season started due to the death Dailey. Second, shortly after, the OVC kicked YSU out, so we had no league--death to recruiting.  He was coach for 18 months and left to become an assistant with the Chicago Bulls.  I dont know if he would have been good or bad. Worst thing that can be said about him is that he saw what was here, saw what was available and decided to leave. To not consider Jent or someone else because they are an OSU assistant is as silly as excluding anyone who was never a head coach. That being said, Dan Peters was the most successful coach during the past 30 years, and he left because the AD at the time, one Jim Tressel, would not support basketball.  Maybe some lessons have been learned.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: What Can We Do to Improve Football Attendance?
« on: November 27, 2016, 02:27:25 PM »
1. I dont believe YSU bids to host. Hosting is now determined by seeding. Back in the 90s that wasnt the case. I could be wrong though.

2. Shaming isnt going to work. People dont have an obligation to support a sports team any more than any other form of entertainment. If they think its worth their while they will show up, if not, no.

3. Sports are becoming like movies. The big time attractions will draw. Smaller attractions wont as much. THere is too much available on TV that the market is saturated. Maybe the bar ought to be lowered. If the crowd yesterday was the best of the 8 games, that says something about the interest in FCS football.

4. THere is a lag effect at work. Interest has been killed. It will take consistent winning to become an attraction. The Indians suffer from a lag too. NExt year will be better for them, but this year they suffered from being mediocre for so long.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU vs WVU
« on: April 21, 2016, 10:23:57 PM »
Our son went to WVU and lives in Morgantown. Ive been to several WVU of the great atmospheres in college football.  Definitely worth the trip. I found their fans rowdy but not obnoxious. They sell beer in the stadium.  Morgantown has some great spots for after the game including a couple of microbreweries.  Its kind of a larger version of Athens. One of the downsides in parking.  Either get there really early or park downtown and take the PRT system to the stadium.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Can We Finally Forget About the MAC?
« on: April 03, 2016, 07:24:20 PM »
The Plain Dealer did a detailed series on general fund athletic subsidy by public institution this week. To your question, each institution gets state subsidy and also generates revenue by tuition and fees. The state subsidy is determined by formula based on enrollment, graduation, and retention rates. For most Ohio publics this represents between 20-25% of budget. How each institution allocates its money between academic and other needs is an institutional decision made by the BOT and administration. If the state were to give institutions more or less money they decide where that money goes or what is cut. The state doesnt give money for this purpose or that purpose, with the exception of capital funds which are allocated separately.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Donlon fired at WSU.
« on: March 19, 2016, 02:18:31 PM »
Not that it matters much but Middle Tennessee State is not HBCU. Tennesse State is but not Middle.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Looks like Slocum will be back!
« on: March 06, 2016, 07:39:47 AM »
Anger at least means people care. People get angry about football. There is very little anger anymore regarding mens basketball. Thats the worst thing that can happen.  If 300 people went to the UIC game, more people were at the mens club hockey game at the Ice Zone a couple of weeks ago. These people paid $5 to watch a game that started at 930 and stood around a cold rink. 

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Looks like Slocum will be back!
« on: March 05, 2016, 09:11:00 AM »
One of the reasons Peters left YSU was that Tressel the AD didnt support MBB.  The downward spiral started there.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Will Mahone back at YSU ?
« on: January 23, 2016, 09:31:02 AM »
Yep we all deserve second chances and most of us have gotten them at one time or another in our lives. I hope that those of you who have the ability to hire people have or will have hire someone with his background instead of someone with a clean slate.  If he wasnt a football player with his ability to help YSU, alot of people would be just as happy to kick him to the curb.

"impressive" ...That had to come from the SI office  ;D

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: FCS 2015 Playoffs. Did I really see this?
« on: November 23, 2015, 08:05:43 AM »
What should make everyone sick is that 5 MVFC teams got in, Western Ill. was one of them with a 6-5 record, and YSU wasnt one of the 5.  Blown leads in the fourth quarter cost YSU a playoff appearence and spared this board all of the resulting angst. 

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