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Messages - gbs20

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Attention NDSU Fans
« on: November 18, 2015, 05:55:17 PM »
Years ago I took a teacher workshop in which a topic was managing class discussions. A strategy disucssed was that rather than responding to stupid comments, ignore them and allow them to sink of their own weight. I found that over the years to be very effective.  It seems that it would work here. Many people, whether some of the YSU people or from other places are being outrageous or provacative to seek attention. By reponding in kind they are given what they want.

Purdue hosted both men's and women's championships.  Four teams in each.  YSU outdoor courts are not adequate for tournament play because they are too close together. There are not enough indoor courts at Boardman and Im not sure BTC would commit that much court time. I suspect Purdue being centrally located has something to do with it as well. Its not like this is a tennis area.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: State of men’s basketball
« on: April 16, 2015, 07:46:45 AM »
These boards and other social media are no different than bars and then talk radio.  People express their opinions whether rational are not.  Sometimes people go over the edge just to get attention. It goes with the territory.  The only difference is that in these forums things are in print which seems to give them a sense of credibility and permanence that the the opinions themselves dont deserve. Years ago I took a teaching workshop. One of the points that has stuck with me was that the best way to deal with ridiculous statements from students was silence. Just let the statements sink of their own weight and trust everyone to recognize them for what they are.  Argument and other punitive actions just encourages them. 

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: State of men’s basketball
« on: April 07, 2015, 07:57:22 AM »
Maybe the chances of that happening now are greater since YSU has become the University of Second Chances for Coaches. (USCC)

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: State of men’s basketball
« on: April 01, 2015, 08:13:07 AM »
The larger question is what are the goals for the mens basketball program and how can those goals be achieved.  If the goal is status quo, then YSU should keep doing what its doing. If the goal is to be in the upper half of the Horizon League and be in a position to compete for a post season tournament then YSU needs to do things differently.  The Covelli Center may not be feasible but it is an option that should be explored along with other changes.  I understand that this year may have been expected and that Slocom was extended partly for that reason but also out of respect for his career and his work at YSU.  He could have a successful season next year. If he retires, then what? Facilities, game environment, etc mean nothing without the right coach to lead the program.  If YSU is serious about the program, spending at least the league average on the next coach seems necessary. That will also require at some point spending an equal amount on the womens coach and further require upgrades to the salaries of assistants, travel budgets etc. Part of this can be covered by requiring more money games and this could be a condition of the new coach's hire.  An ambitious coach would not shy away from this.  It would require a substantial investment of new money in the program on the hope that it would pay off in new revenue.  By the way YSU alum Joe Lombardy just reached the D2 finals at IUP.   

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: State of men’s basketball
« on: March 31, 2015, 12:41:09 PM »
How about using the revenue from money games to subsidize the rent of playing at Covelli?  Many urban universities play at off campus arenas and this really isnt off campus given that few students attend the games even in the best of circumstances.  It would save the money of renovating Beeghly and enable the team to play at a high quality venue.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: New Sport: Women's Bowling
« on: March 06, 2015, 08:11:22 AM »
I dont get the bowling thing. It hasnt been announced and Im not sure how it fits in, unless its a Title IX move.  Applications are up, but they are way up everywhere because the application process makes it inexpensive and easy for students to apply to multiple colleges at the same time. Its not clear whether it will translate into actually students.  Presidents need at least two years to get their plan and people in place. Then we will see where athletics fits in and what can be cut or added.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: New Sport: Women's Bowling
« on: March 05, 2015, 10:44:15 AM »
Speaking of new sports....I wonder why hockey has never gained traction.  First, it has the potential to generate real revenue. Second, there are good D1 hockey programs in the region--Robert Morris and Mercyhurst to name 2. 3) Youth hockey in Columbus, Pittsburgh and Cleveland is booming as well as the Phantoms providing a pipeline of talent 4) there is a facility in place 5) The recent NCAA D1 champion awarded NO hockey scholarships. 

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Ohio State RB Bri'onte Dunn May Transfer to YSU
« on: February 20, 2015, 08:23:35 AM »
The semester started the second week of January and finals week is the first week of May.  Spring Break is the second week of March.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Could we please fire Slocum now
« on: January 19, 2015, 09:28:24 AM »

Excellent post backed by data and history.  You will recall that the womens program was in even worse shape when Hill was fired. A coach was hired after declines of offers and lack of interest from viable candidates. Its not an exaggeration to say he was the 6th or 7th choice.  But lightning was caught in the bottle, the program was revived, he moved on to a deserved step up and the next hire was a top assistant from a high caliber program.  So it can be done.  The question is does YSU accept the status quo or make a change with no guarantees but hope.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Let the fun begin...
« on: December 19, 2014, 08:57:29 AM »
Strollo issued a statement that put Bo on notice and as the statement implied--"end of story." I hope it is.  History shows that unless the underlying issues behind the behavior are addressed, the behavior will escalate and be repeated--Woody Hayes, Bobby Knight, Mike Rice. What was once accepted is no longer acceptable-the use of the N-word; gay bashing; locker room hazing; marching band antics-I hope Bo understands that.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Let the fun begin...
« on: December 18, 2014, 02:08:56 PM »
Coaches are supposed to the teachers, at least thats what they claim; shapers of character, molders of individuals, etc etc. Pellini failed as a teacher to his most important audience--his players. He could have taught them how to leave a bad situation with class and dignity. Instead he taught them exactly how not to. Here is what he could have said...."Its been a great run at Nebraska, Ive truly loved coaching you. Unfortunately the person who hired me is no longer my boss. And the current AD and I have not had the best relationship. This happens frequently and as you move on in your careers it might happen to you.  Sometimes this means that you have to move on and thats what is happening with me. Im lucky, We have been successful here. I will coach somewhere else. It will likely be a good situation with an AD who wants me, and I have the money from my contract to fall back on.  So shed no tears for me. One of the keys to life is how you handle bad situations. My advice to you is learn when to leave and leave with class and dignity. Sometimes you have to burn bridges to move forward, but the trick is knowing when and how to do so."

Thats what it would take and it will take consistency.  Last year they had two chances to reengage the fan base and got blown out both games in embarrassing fashion.  I went to both games and invited relatives who had to drive over two hours to go with me.   During the Heacock semi final run, the fan base was energized but they didnt build on that momentum.  Its hard to get people back once they have left. 

Looking at the chart, YSU is above the league average and higher attendence than five teams.  Two, that are above YSU have indoor stadiums. Northern Iowa, NDSU, SDSU have much larger student residential populations. NDSU and SDSU are the Ohio States of their respective states. There is also less competition for live sports entertainment and their games are events. 

Trying to explain is not making excuses and if someone likes something that you dont like, they are not stupid.

1.  Akron is offering a drawing for free tuition for spring semester to try to entice students to their upcoming Tuesday game.  Attendence at MAC and lower levels of D1/1AA football is in the same ball park as YSU.

2.   People have no obligation spend their money or time on any form of entertainment.  They spend both on what they like given their resources or circumstances. 

3.   The 90s arent coming back. There are so many "stay at home" possibilities that it takes a major attraction to get people out. Look at how movie attendence has changed. The Indians have had competitive teams for two years, but their attendance stinks.

4.  Maybe its time to revise expectations.

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