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Messages - SoupCity

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU vs. NDSU game thread.
« on: November 22, 2014, 04:07:31 PM »
WOW....this may be over.  Hey Shane...have you noticed they're putting 15 guys in the box on 1st and 2nd down.  TODAY MAY BE THE DAY TO PASS TO SET UP THE RUN!!!  ARGGGGGHHHHHHH

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Departing Seniors
« on: November 19, 2014, 01:49:55 PM »
Bing, bing, bing, bing......I thought the same thing.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Departing Seniors
« on: November 19, 2014, 08:30:24 AM »
I really enjoy listening to this kid talk.  When he's on the interview list, his is always the longest and most entertaining. I wish he was more involved in the offense; but his passion and!!!


1AA, I would have to agree.  I'm not totally into what Montgomery has done overall, but within the Wolford era, I would complain the least about this offense.

I always looked at it this way.  From worst to best:

1. Special Teams
2. Defense
3. Offense

1. Defense
2. Special Teams (and except for last year could be 1b at this point)
3. Offense

"You don't know that the kid that might have gotten a personal foul was in the coach's office the day before because his dad beat the sh** out of his mom last night and is now in jail."

Then the kid shouldn't have been playing that game.  That's a lot to deal with, I agree.

"Or the quarterback that threw an interception is worried about his girlfriend that is in the hospital having a baby. "

Then the kid shouldn't have been playing that game.  That's a lot to deal with, I agree.

"Or the punt returner that fumbled got a call from his mom last night that his family was evicted and he needs to send his Pell Grant money home (just a few things that happened in one week while  I was playing). "

Then the kid shouldn't have been playing that game.  That's a lot to deal with, I agree.

Do you seem the theme there???

Soup city - what do you do for a living? Just curious because teachers and coaches are all judged by a lot of things that are out of their control. Like I said in a previous post, whether you like Wolf or not he has put these players in a position to make it to the playoffs...they are a dropped pass, dropped interception away over the years. The coaches don't drop passes all comes down to execution. If you don't like the guy and that is why you want him fired then I can understand that. You have a great point with a lower level coach that has been successful....that is all we are going to be able to get. We will not be getting a D1 coordinator....they make too much money now to leave that.

You can't even compare Florida and Muschamp to this situation... again we are FCS. There is a big difference in the two.

Why does it matter what my job is?  I'm paid to perform it and if I fail to do so in a satisfactory manner, I'll get fired.  It doesn't matter, pressure is pressure...whether it's a coach, a cop, an athlete or a military person.  At the end of the day, a coach...especially a head coach is going to be under a lot of it.  It's their gig, they're the CEO.  If the company fails, the CEO has failed as well.

One play doesn't win or lose a game.  If you think it does, then you know nothing about athletics.  The fact that YSU had 3 turnovers prior to overtime and were still in that game proves my point.  All most people remember is the one that happens last.  So we'll look at it this way, YSU basically did nothing during the 2nd/3rd quarter Saturday (1 FG while giving up 3TDs).  Then all of a sudden, they wake up in the 4th quarter.  That would be 30 minutes and in your estimation, 30 minutes lacking execution.  Is that the players fault? or the coaches?  30 minutes, 2 quarters of lack of execution.  And the SAME players are still in game?  not executing properly?  Who is at fault there??  players? coaches?

Look, I don't like Wolford.  I think he's a pompous, arrogant ass.  I've felt that way since day 1.  He hasn't gotten better as a Head Coach, his staff has gotten better as a group, his teams have not better gotten throughout the season.  Actually, they've gotten worse and the record shows that.  His teams have made the same mistakes for 5 straight years and you blame that on execution???  How about him never taking the blame; yet has no problem throwing these kids under the bus (like he did to Wells on Saturday)?  Come on now!!!  If it's an execution problem, then maybe...just maybe these kids have quit on him.  In each of the last 3 seasons.  I hope not, but I would definitely understand if they did.

At the end of the day, that hasn't stopped me from rooting for this team for the last 5 years.  Regardless, he has failed and needs to be replaced.

82 would assume the pressure at a powerhouse D1 school would be much greater, no??  Just ask Will Muschamp in Florida.  I get it, this is FCS...but at the end of the day it doesn't really matter.  You're paid to win games AND in YSUs case, get to the playoffs.  That hasn't been accomplished in the Wolford era.  Did you see the seats at the last 2 home games?  That's embarrassing and don't let anyone fool you that it was weather related.  That just gives people an excuse not to go.

It's been noted 100s of times on this forum about the level of "talent" at YSU.  Best talent in many, many years.  At that point, it's on the coaching staff to COACH said talent.   This coaching staff has failed in that aspect.  Period, end of story. 

Being a head coach has pressure, I don't care at what level you're coaching.  When all is said and done, it's about winning and then going to the playoffs or a bowl game or a tournament, etc.  If you don't accomplish that, you get replaced.  It's been 5 years and nothing but talk.  Read the article above again, he has totally alienated the entire program.  What does that tell you?

Hell, my job has pressure.  If I'm not doing my job properly, I get fired.

The only problem with hiring someone without any Youngstown connections or even someone that has never heard of Youngstown (as mentioned in another post) is that new coach is going to have a hard time understanding why you fired a coach that had 4 straight winning seasons. If they don't understand the Youngstown tradition then they are not going to understand that playoffs are expected here. There are a lot of coaches that are not going to leave their current position (probably making more money than YSU can pay) knowing they will get fired even if they win.

What? Are you kidding me?  3 straight years with November meltdowns, do you not pay attention??  Even if there was no tradition at YSU, when you need 1 win in 3 tries to end the season to make the playoffs and you fail to do that over and over again.  You're going to get fired.....anywhere you are at.  That's a no-brainer!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Thoughts and Feelings. Tressels morning tweet.
« on: November 16, 2014, 11:17:56 AM »
Sean, I think I'll talk on behalf of this forum.  You've brought a different view of this football team to the board this season.  And WE greatly appreciate your contributions.  I was just wondering this morning about how the players "actually" feel about playing for this coaching staff.  And I get it, they love this program and the coaching staff.  I believe any person who was an athlete in their life felt that way.  Even when they played for a coach or coaches who weren't worthy of that type of love.  But, I've watched every pre-/post-game interview this season and something just is not right.  And after listening to Wolford's this morning, I realized something that I knew 5 years ago.  He's not head coaching material at this point in his life.  Scalzo made a very telling statement in his article in the Vindicator.  IF you haven't read it, please do.  You'll know what I'm talking about.  I will never say any of these kids QUIT on him, because I don't think they did.  But, they did what they were told to do....EXACTLY what they were told to do.  I believe that says a lot!!!

I hope Christian's future is as bright as I would think it is going to be.  He is always going to be one of my favorite players in YSU history.  Please pass on my THANK YOU and good luck in the future to him.  He is why the few YSU fans who show up, actually show up.

So who's willing to question Scalzo's writing ability now?  Sorry folks, count me as one of the people who appreciate the stuff he writes.  Great job, Joe!
Scalzo hit the nail on the head. As most of you know, I have rarely criticized Eric Wolford because quite frankly I just want to win and we've been on the cusp now for 4 straight years. However, the results speak for themselves. I think he has done a great job recruiting, but when it comes to coaching on game-day, he is unfortunately not getting it done. Unless the stars align next week, I fully expect Wolford to be gone.

It is very unfortunate, but the dwindling crowd sizes speak volumes to the patience the fan base has with this man.

Valley, I couldn't have said it any better than that.  I have criticized Wolford quite a bit over his tenure (and rather harshly at times), for those same reasons you have listed.  It is sad and unfortunate, but at this point a necessity that he is let go as soon as next Sunday morning.

So who's willing to question Scalzo's writing ability now?  Sorry folks, count me as one of the people who appreciate the stuff he writes.  Great job, Joe!

1. In early August, at Youngstown State's media day, someone came up to me and said, "You know, YSU could have saved a lot of money by keeping the last guy. Seem to be getting the same results."

Thing is, they're not.

Jon Heacock went 32-24 overall and 18-17 in the Gateway Conference in his first five years, sharing the conference title in the fifth year. The following year, YSU won the league title outright and advanced to the national semifinals.

Through five years, Eric Wolford is 31-25 and 18-21 in the Missouri Valley.

2. You can make all sorts of arguments about who had it easier, Heacock or Wolford.

Heacock took over a program that was two years removed from a national championship game appearance. The Gateway/MVFC also wasn't as strong as it is now, although it was still pretty good.

But Heacock was also given a much smaller budget for assistant coaches and recruiting.

Wolford took over a team that hadn't been to the playoffs in four years but got an upgraded budget and several facility upgrades, including the locker room, coaches offices, meeting rooms and an indoor facility. (YSU also replaced the turf and is planning to install a new scoreboard.)

Regardless, the expectations were the same for both men — and Wolford hasn't met them. And while it's one thing to live up to Jim Tressel's standard — no one expects that — it's another to live up to Jon Heacock's.

Through five years, he hasn't.

3. Which brings us to Saturday.

For the third time in four years, YSU had a chance to earn a playoff berth by winning its home finale. For the third time in four years, the Penguins lost.

In 2011, they blew a 17-point halftime lead to Missouri State, which was tied for last in the conference at the time.

In 2013, they got blown out by South Dakota State in a blizzard to finish the season on a three-game losing streak.

On Saturday, they lost in overtime to a team that went 1-11 last season, a team that has zero tradition, the league's worst facilities and a budget built around its men's basketball program.

If Saturday's game was a referendum on the Wolford era — and I think it was — then something needs to change.

4. After the game, I wrote on Twitter that we should reserve judgment on this season (and the coaching staff) until after next week's game.

I stand by that. But it's hard to see how the Penguins will manage to beat three-time national champions North Dakota State in Fargo. And even if they do, they're still on the bubble since their non-conference wins aren't going to help.

5. YSU has another problem that goes beyond the big-game losses: The fans really don't like Wolford.

When I covered this year's Hubbard-Poland football game, a Poland fan cornered me as I was leaving the press box and said, "Is Wolford as big of an [expletive] as he seems?"

"No," I said. "He's actually great with the media."

I get these kinds of questions far too often.

And, honestly, Wolford actually hasn't been quite as good with the media lately. I haven't been allowed to attend practices for weeks, which just results in less coverage from our newspaper. (I haven't written fewer stories over that stretch, just fewer stories about YSU football.) And in some of our Tuesday press conferences (i.e. the only time we get access to him and players leading up to the game), he has sometimes come across like a man who'd rather be anywhere else, which wasn't the case in his first four years.

But those are minor issues. His problem isn't with the media. It's with the public.

6. Soon after Saturday's loss, I got an email from an ex-player who said he attends YSU sporting events year-round, but that he'll never go to another football game as long as Wolford is the coach. He said watching Wolford's press conferences make him "ill" and said the No. 1 reason his wife wouldn't attend Saturday's game was because she can't stand Wolford.

This was not an isolated email. There are plenty of people who wanted Heacock replaced five years ago, but who really liked him as a person. Wolford doesn't have that kind of support.

7. The two biggest complaints I hear about Wolford are

A. He's arrogant.

B. He blames his players, rather than himself.

The first one doesn't bother me. What some call arrogant, someone else might call confident. And you need confidence in this job.

But the second criticism is fair, and he did it again after Saturday's game. When asked about Hunter Wells' interception on the first play of overtime, Wolford said it was a run-pass option and Wells made a mistake by choosing to pass instead of handing it off.

Now. Even if that's true, WELLS IS A TRUE FRESHMAN QUARTERBACK! Why throw him under the bus? And if you're not sure he'll make the right decision in that spot, don't give him the option.

What Wolford should have said was, "That loss was on me. We needed to win today and we didn't get it done. It's my fault."

Even if he didn't believe it, he should have said it.

8. As I reported earlier this year, Wolford's buyout is for $150,000 if YSU goes 7-5. If the Penguins make the playoffs, it's for the full amount ($263,894).

But here's the catch: YSU's buyout would be offset by whatever Wolford makes as an assistant coach next season, assuming he doesn't decide to sit out the season. (That strikes me as very unlikely.)

Assuming he gets a job as an offensive line coach at a major program — which strikes me as likely — YSU probably won't owe much of anything.

9. Bottom line: I don't hire or fire coaches. That's a decision made by the two guys who signed his contract: athletic director Ron Strollo and Tressel, who is YSU's president.

But given the outrage from the fans — and it's very real, as my Twitter account can attest — they might be forced to make a change if YSU loses next week.

10. One more thing: Tressel has a LOT of friends in the coaching community. If Wolford doesn't return, it'll be interesting to see who's interested.
- See more at:

And please, PLEASE no one with ties to Y-town or OSU.  Let's see this program start with a fresh face.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Stambaugh Stadium
« on: November 15, 2014, 08:06:58 PM »
Why go watch a game and a team that will literally rip your heart out and step on it?  The coaching staff has sucked what little life was left in this program.  If he's not fired on Sunday morning next week, I may have to convince my family to give up our season tickets.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Indiana State
« on: November 15, 2014, 05:41:37 PM »
Another end of the year collapse by YSU!!!!  SMH

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