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Messages - pen4life

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General BS / Re: American Jobs Act
« on: September 22, 2011, 07:17:50 PM »
Oh the poor poor rich . I realize how mean and unfair I have been expecting them to shoulder such an unrealistic burdon, Instead lets raise the taxes on the poor. Those families of four who make 26K or less. Have you ever heard of the Stolkholm effect? Identification with the aggressor? I'll suck up to the rich and maybe they will allow a few crumbs to fall from their table for me.

Thomas Paine a "Tea bagger" ? Read some of his stuff after Common Sense. He advocated an extremely progressive rate of taxation and a welfare state. This guy if he lived today would have been hated by the Tea baggers.

Yes I believe health care is a right.

I believe that America is about life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, that all men are created equal not letting the privledged few get richer and richer by exploiting the nations resources, environment and workers.

If you make a billion/ year you pay 1.8 mil. at 18% but you use a lot more than that in the infrastructure. So you owe more than a mere 18% . How many times have you used the patent office in the last year or in your lifetime? There is absolutly nothing punitive about the rich paying their fair share . And what is their fair share?  Whatever it takes to maintain a quality of life for all people in  this country.

The problem with capitalism is that it is based  man's lesser instincts...... greed and if Ive got mine who gives a rat's behind about others. The people who are good at playing the capitalism game are not noble humans who should be treated exceptionally nor should they be allowed to hold america hostage threatening to take the jobs away if they dont get their exceptional treatment. America enabled these clowns to get rich, very rich and they owe America alot. Clinton raised the taxes and the deficit went down and employment went up.  We just dont learn from the past do we?

There is no free market, it is an uneven playing field.


General BS / Re: American Jobs Act
« on: September 21, 2011, 11:13:57 PM »
A progressive tax  with the wealthiest paying at a higher rate is as american as apple pie and was endorsed by thomas paine and james madison. In a capitalist society the gov't has two important functions, opportunity (to acquire wealth) and maintanence (to insure you keep it once you get it), This requires a  vast infrastructure roads, police, military courts, patent offices etc. The more you have , the more you use these things hence the more you need to pay in taxes. Tax cuts for the rich = welfare for the rich.

In time of war the tax rate does not go up rather many more people are working and working more hours to support the war effort. Why? Not because big business is patriotic rather because of of a huge infusion of gov't
money purchasing materials of war. A great big gov't stimulus program. And it works in war and peace.

Our economy has slowed down, people are not spending, what our economy needs is spending and if people or the private sector are not spending that only leaves the gov't. Cutting gov't spending would be economic suicide. Remember calvin cooledge? We just don't learn do we.

Oh and I have some really bad news for you the gov't has been in the insurance business since the inception of medicare, Why dont you ask all the people on medicare if they want gov't out of the insurance business.
They will say no. Gov't does a much better job than private insurers. Why? administative costs of medicare are 3% average administrative costs of private insurane 36%. we currently spend much more on health care than any other industrialized nation and its pretty poor. Infant mortality in the US is higher than Nicaragua.

We have to analyze our beliefs objectively and not just listen to the echoes of others who agree with us. And yes it is sometimes painful to read the truth especially when it challenges what we would prefer to believe. 

General BS / Re: American Jobs Act
« on: September 20, 2011, 01:16:37 AM »
serious as a heart attack. The notion that the media is liberal is a myth. Rupert Murdoch owns most of it. Look at Clearchannel.

I am still not convinced by the way that the private sector is our salvation. They've had everything they wanted for decades including reduced emissions standards under GWB, They are making record breaking profits and not reinvesting in the country that enabled them to become filthy rich. And please dont tell me that they are afraid to invest because of the socialist tendancies of the current administration. They are investing in communist China for crying outloud, They dont seem to be terribly afraid to do that.

Obama care was originally intended to have a single payer and negotiated pharmacy costs.  The republicans kow towed to their insurance company and pharmacuetical company masters and fought this resulting in a much costlier and less efficient model more accuratly called Romney care. We are the richest nation in the history of the world, We can afford universal healthcare. We are the only industrialized nation that doesnt provide it.

No I am not a typical MV Democrat. Even though they vote D they are still pretty conservative. Obama is pretty much middle of the road , I am way left of him. Im a liberal, always have been always will be. and i know, a young man who is conservative has no heart and an old man who is liberal has no brain.

This back and forth actually startyed around 1794 with the federalists and the antifederalists and the fight thenwas wheter or not we should hjave a constitution and a central government as opposed to states rights.
If youre interested in low taxes, minimal government, virtually no gun control and no governmental regulatory bodies, check out Somalia I think this may be what the right is looking for.   


General BS / Re: American Jobs Act
« on: September 19, 2011, 10:11:09 AM »
Our main problem is NOT spending. Spendinging cuts won't do anything to help in the short run. 10 to 20 years maybe. Our problem is that our economy is stagnent. We were told in the past and we are still told today that reducing the tax burdon on the poor unfortunate wealthy would stimulate the economy. It didnt, it wont. this claim is as empty today as it was in the past. Instead of creating jobs the wealthy took the money offshore hired Pakistanis , Mexicans, Vietnamese bought Yachts in Italy and generally laughed all the way to the bank.  Then these same wealthy fat cats turn around and have the audacity to say "dont punish us for being successful" by making us pay what you poor folks pay in taxes (i.e. our fair share) which in my opinion is a heck of a lot more than they are being asked to pay. Reducing spending without stimulating the economy will make things worse.

Oh and the media is not liberal. Some of the newscasters may vote for dems but the media is owned lock stock and barrel by very conservative interest groups

Yes we use computer models these days. but these models are based on actual data that is collected and fed into the models. Think how bad unemployment would be if we hadnt stimulated the economy. Locally the Lordstown plant would probably be inhabited by bats by now.

The republican, teapartyy  agenda offers me nothing, and offers america nothing. Congressional republicans vote no to everything even things they strongly supported just a few days ago. They just want to win the next election and they dont seem to care if it means destroying the country to do it.

Regarding the dumb animal quote let me quote the great coservative icon Rush Limbaugh "c'mon can't you take a joke?"     

General BS / Re: American Jobs Act
« on: September 16, 2011, 11:55:01 PM »
YSU 2000 your response is so typical of the extremist element that has taken over the republican party. Rather that presenting a cogent counterargument you resort to innuendo and ridicule but never really address the issues. No, I don't work for MSNBC and I assure you I.m not delusional. This is simply my opinion based on 60+ yrs of life so come on YSU 2000 convince me I'm wrong.

General BS / Re: American Jobs Act
« on: September 16, 2011, 07:00:53 PM »
According to the congressional budget office and independent analysts , the economic stimulus program was extremely effective in creating, and maintaining jobs. In additiuon it saved the american auto industry, the american and perhaps the world economy. I have little faith in "private investment"  because the only thing that matters to them is their bottom line. It was a deregulated investment and banking industry that helped to get us in this mess inthe first place. It looks to me that the republicans are only interested in obstruction and siezing power. They are totally critical of our president but offer nothing to address our current problems. They manufacture crisis but neglect the real challanges to america.   

It's been said " the dumbest animal on the face of the planet earth is a poor republican". 

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Players Caught
« on: July 17, 2011, 08:36:53 PM »
I'm not familiar with the Lake Club, just where is that? This is RumorMills one and only post. RumorMills profile location is listed as the Lake Club. Smells kind of fishy, but then again that smell does get penguins excited. 

General BS / Re: Example of what is wrong
« on: July 04, 2011, 12:50:35 PM »
Standing up to tyranny whether it is political or economic is scarey. Nobody is going to look after our interests but us, When we declare that we deserve something better, something more than the crumbs that might fall from the tables of the rich that we are indeed entitled to the pursuit of life , liberty and happiness then we celebrate th spirit of July 4th. Happy Indepenence Day. God Bless America.

General BS / Re: Example of what is wrong
« on: July 04, 2011, 12:18:40 AM »
I just celebrated the 24th anniversary of my 39th birthday.

General BS / Re: Example of what is wrong
« on: July 03, 2011, 12:17:55 PM »
I would also add any leader, president or governor who sells vital public assets to private concerns who can then turn around and outsource as much as they want, is also a traitor, And that unfortunately would include Ohio's  own Gov. Kasich.

I have never worked for a rich man. I have worked for governments, myself and nonprofit organizations. The truth is we really DON"T need the rich man. Under our system of capitalism private wealth becomes a very important almost necessary ingredient to stimulate economic activity. But ours isn't the only form of economy or even capitalism. China has adopted a form of state capitalism that seems to be working very well for them.

The point is , the rich man needs us as much as we need him. We as the middle class have to keep the playing field level.  Yes unions have done some pretty grotesque things with their power but they are the only mechanism for ensuring a level playing field. We also need a government that will regulate trade and outsourcing in a manner that favors the American worker. This of course means BIGGER  Gov't. Remember it is our Gov't that establishes regulations, but it is the corporations, the rich man who actully stabs us in the back. He is not our friend but with the proper checks and balances he cane be our business partner. 

General BS / Re: Example of what is wrong
« on: June 30, 2011, 01:19:58 AM »
It's not class envy, there isn't much that is enviable about a bunch of self centered sociopaths motivated by greed and power. It's more like fear, class fear. I fear for this nation when half the republican governors secretly run off to grovel at the feet of the Koch brothers to get there marching orders, when 299 top CEO's  "earn" as much as 100,000 laborers, when a well known capitalist fat cat says "sure there's a class war and we are winning". I fear politicians that are owned by the highest bidder and a media that has forgotten that their job is to dig for the truth and report it. For much of our history America was divided into 2 classes the rich and the poor. There was no significant middle class. Those days were hell for laborers when the leading cause of death for working age males was industrial accidents. But it was a golden era for the robber barons who exploited the human and material resources of this nation. The advent of unions leveled the playing field somewhat. And men like Henry Ford who asked who's gonna buy the crap we make unless we pay them a decent wage added to this trend. But the rich never really liked this middle class and longed for a return to the way it was when workers were poor and desparate and would work long hours in dangerous(cheap or as we say today cost effective) conditions for low wages or better yet company script that's only good at company stores. Our politicians and sadly most are republican have been bought by these robber barons of today and hence have become the enemy of the middle class. If you are a member of this capitalist elite, I understand why you would embrace the republican agenda. But if you are not, it is time to realize that these people are not your friends and do not have the best interests of our nation at heart. Corporations have no national allegiance and privatization is a road to ruin and enslavement.   

General BS / Re: Example of what is wrong
« on: June 26, 2011, 11:43:18 PM »
I'm a yellow dog Democrat (i.e. if the party ran a yellow dog, he (or she) would get my vote. The Republican party of today is rapidly becoming the enemy of the middle class, the poor, the elderly, anyone outside of the well heeled upper crust. This republican love fest is bizarre. guinpen and hlector, get a room. 

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