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Messages - YSU FAN#34

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Pass Interference?
« on: November 17, 2015, 08:04:06 PM »
It is my assertion that a typical bison fan would log onto another teams board and continue to mock everything
And sure a snickers sounds good.  You buying?

Can you point out the post where I mocked anyone?
I was buying, not so much anymore. 
I cant reward bad behavior.

C'mon dude.  You suggest that in our stadium our fans should move. That's not mocking?!?!  You state "somehow you chose option 5."   That's not mocking?!?!  I can't believe for a minute if i go to bisonville and say anything remotely close to the things you did That i would not get killed.  Frankly, i would deserve it.  But i wouldnt do anything of the sort.  Cuz im not a bison fan. 

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Pass Interference?
« on: November 17, 2015, 07:47:35 PM »
Heres the skinny.  And honestly i dont know why this may be so hard to believe.  I have a friend who was invited to the game.  Loge and field pass.  He isnt even a fan. Got invited by a wealthy guy.  He knows i love ysu so he asked if i could tag along. 

Most of the game except for the last quarter we would go end zone to end zone watching ysu come at us.  The fourth quarter we decided to stay in the end zone by the big score board.  By the way, this is also how i saw the four bison fans getting escorted off the home side. Anyway, we were standing at the very corner of the field where the visiting teM enters/exits. It just so happened that there 5-7 cops standing there as well. We were interacting with them and discussing how we need a TD to not let you back in the game.

The POSSIBLE young lady in question was standing about where the "E" is in penguins.  Again, we were in the corner.  Look at the tape to figure out how far she was from us.  At no time during the fourth quarter did any official walk over to the cops to ask for an escort.  And if they did she would have no idea what they said because she was 20 yards away from us.

Is it not common for a sideline reporter to reprt on what they themselves witnessed?  She sure implied that with her words.  Thats what i am saying.  I dont believe cuz i was there.

Now, if it came from someone or somewhere else then i will eat the crow. I have No problem doing that at all. 

But i am suspect of her reporting.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Pass Interference?
« on: November 17, 2015, 07:36:50 PM »
You certainly didn't attempt to dispell it. And its on every message board you are on too.
And why do you think it is my job to debunk something said that I have no knowledge of. I guess you as well didn't think that through just like the other guy.

Hmmm...excellent question indeed.  So why then are you trying to debunk something you still know nothing of?  I am thinking...your turn!!!
I did not try to debunk anything from that YSU fan on his accounts of what he said happened on the sideline...........I just made it clear that I find it hard to believe what he said. So basically I don't believe him as his story sounds fishy to me. And he still has yet to respond as to how he would have sideline/field access. Almost always those passes are for VIPs. So he gives no account of how he is able to get there.

Tell ya what.  If you be kind enough to tell me how to post pics and videos. Haha. I swear to god i dont know how.  Ill show you pics of the game, video of Hyme's run (he was not out of bounds by the way) a pic of the pass itself.  And a few more for good measure.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Pass Interference?
« on: November 17, 2015, 07:34:33 PM »
Btw...we did, in fact, choose your option 4.  Yet you are still unhappy that we chose something you suggested. 


YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Pass Interference?
« on: November 17, 2015, 07:30:38 PM »
Well help me then.  The point here is that your opinion about how our fans deal with a situation is our problem. Sharing your opinions about we deal them is fine...i guess. But you have a knack of throwing your sarcasm into it and it's unnecessary. And thats what makes you a typical bison fan.  It is my assertion that a typical bison fan would log onto another teams board and continue to mock everything.  Especially after a loss.  What part of b****ing and moaning and whining on our board about our team is completely within reason do you not understand.  My point is STFU and go to bisonville or ags. 

I am not missing any points.  You are.  And sure a snickers sounds good.  You buying?

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Lets be clear about this
« on: November 17, 2015, 07:02:28 PM »
Of course there is no intelligent conversation here.  But yet you have been here for 2 or 3 days.  Took ya a while to figure that out.  See ya!!!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Pass Interference?
« on: November 17, 2015, 06:56:32 PM »
You certainly didn't attempt to dispell it. And its on every message board you are on too.
And why do you think it is my job to debunk something said that I have no knowledge of. I guess you as well didn't think that through just like the other guy.

Hmmm...excellent question indeed.  So why then are you trying to debunk something you still know nothing of?  I am thinking...your turn!!!

I am referring, of course, to my post about the reporter.  So you find it impossible to respond about an accusation from one of your fans of which you have no knowledge, yet you have zero problems responding to mine.

Again, more of the same from a typical bison fan.

So you are lumping all NDSU fans into one group based on what again?
Try judging people as individuals for a change. 
Posting blanket statements like the above is pretty sh**ty of you.

So let me get this straight.  You have suggested that OUR fans in OUR stadium should deal with YOUR unruly fans by telling OUR fans they should move 10 seats elsewhere.  Then, you suggest, on our board, what the appropriate action YOU would take.  Then get upset that we whine about it on our board. 

Sounds to me i am right.  No blanket accusations.  You are falling right in line.  But thanks!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Lets be clear about this
« on: November 17, 2015, 06:46:23 PM »
Anybody sit in section 4 and see the Bison fan in about row 10 standing up drinking a beer right before kickoff? After the start of the game people started yelling for him and his girlfriend and /or sister to sit down because they were obstructing some people's view but instead he just turned around facing everybody behind him fanning his open arms just to taunt them. There were more Bison fans in the first or second row standing in front of some little kids who actually had to move just to watch the game.

What's up with the standing? Are they taught that on the prairie to be rude? You can tell by their attitudes they thought the game would be over by the middle of the first quarter...... ;D

13,000 open seats.  If it annoyd them that much they could have move 10 seats in any direction.

Yea that makes sense, I am sitting in my seats and because some disrespectful drunk is being a jerk, I should be the one to move.

Do you bison fans even think before you respond, just more proof that your fans are no better or worse then others. Albeit a lot more arrogant.

Ok lets break this down.

1. Move and end the problem.
2. Sit there and put up with it.
3. Kick his a$$.
4. Have him removed by security.
5. Do nothing then go on the forums and complain about it.

Which option(s) seem to be the logical one(s)?
Yet option 5 was somehow the decision that was made.

Well, it is OUR forum.  How about you practice what you preach.  You may want to start with number 1.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Pass Interference?
« on: November 17, 2015, 06:44:50 PM »
You certainly didn't attempt to dispell it. And its on every message board you are on too.
And why do you think it is my job to debunk something said that I have no knowledge of. I guess you as well didn't think that through just like the other guy.

Hmmm...excellent question indeed.  So why then are you trying to debunk something you still know nothing of?  I am thinking...your turn!!!

I am referring, of course, to my post about the reporter.  So you find it impossible to respond about an accusation from one of your fans of which you have no knowledge, yet you have zero problems responding to mine.

Again, more of the same from a typical bison fan.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Pass Interference?
« on: November 17, 2015, 06:39:34 PM »
You certainly didn't attempt to dispell it. And its on every message board you are on too.
And why do you think it is my job to debunk something said that I have no knowledge of. I guess you as well didn't think that through just like the other guy.

Hmmm...excellent question indeed.  So why then are you trying to debunk something you still know nothing of?  I am thinking...your turn!!!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Lets be clear about this
« on: November 17, 2015, 04:45:04 PM »
Anybody sit in section 4 and see the Bison fan in about row 10 standing up drinking a beer right before kickoff? After the start of the game people started yelling for him and his girlfriend and /or sister to sit down because they were obstructing some people's view but instead he just turned around facing everybody behind him fanning his open arms just to taunt them. There were more Bison fans in the first or second row standing in front of some little kids who actually had to move just to watch the game.

What's up with the standing? Are they taught that on the prairie to be rude? You can tell by their attitudes they thought the game would be over by the middle of the first quarter...... ;D

13,000 open seats.  If it annoyd them that much they could have move 10 seats in any direction.

So OUR fans should move to accomodate YOUR fans.  Thanks for that.  That is precisely what we have all come to expect from the almighty bison.  We must bow down and make way!!!  Haha

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Pass Interference?
« on: November 17, 2015, 04:42:27 PM »
You certainly didn't attempt to dispell it. And its on every message board you are on too.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Pass Interference?
« on: November 17, 2015, 01:56:23 PM »
I used to live in a suburb of MSP for almost 10 years.  There is a HUGE cultural difference (and not in a good way) to any other place I've lived, and I've moved around

What's the matter? Oh, you were finished! Well, allow me to retort....

This is from GOB1SON on Bisonville. He was at the game.

Originally Posted by BisonFan02
Do you mind if I borrow this quote/info for AGS?

Knock yourself out.

Maybe it will get read by the congenial fans the turned and spoke to me and my wife after the PI call and told us to take our paid for refs and to get to get the **** out of their stadium. Or the nice gentleman getting into his car that yelled, once again with two ladies present, "I hope you are happy you pieces of ****".

I have been to a lot of football games all over the country, and I have heard of such behavior (and sometimes, Bison fans have been accused of it) but this is the first time I have seen it like this. I was scared to leave my wife's side for fear someone was going to get into her grill and then I would end up in jail in Ohio.

Oh, one last little tidbit, the nice lady who was all dressed in red sitting two rows in front of us, well her husband's name was Steve and he was one of the officials. I know this because her whole family, also dressed in red, was yelling "STEVE" the whole fricking game trying to get him to look up into the stands. And guess what!?! He was the official that threw the PI flag.

I did not just make that up. The official, that threw the PI flag, his wife was sitting two rows in front of us dressed in Youngstown State gear.

So Tennbison, all of this^^ is somehow believable but my first hand account of something is not.  Seems about right.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Pass Interference?
« on: November 16, 2015, 09:52:03 PM »
I guess all you want to talk smack about fans at the game, OK, YSU how bad do your fans have to be in order to scare the officials enough that they need to contact the police and make sure that they have an escort out, due to the things being said to them. And these are guys that get yelled at all the time by fans, so what made your fans so bad that they were over the top to the officials. Maybe it was the guy yelling "your not going to make it home tonight".  So don't talk about a few fans from NDSU saying F words when most of you give a pass to your coach dropping F bombs like crazy at officials. By the way, that stuff is not hearsay, it is caught on TV, it can be proven.

Ok.  Im calling bullsh*t. At least for the  I just watched the end of the game replay. And heard what the sideline reporter said.  Now, i was standing in the end zone during the entire last quarter.  So i am going to poke some holes in her "reporting."   First of all, there were only like a handful of people in the end zone.  One guy was yelling to the refs "that was horrible or you suck" or something along those lines.  ONE GUY!  So at best, including me, there were 6-8 fans there.  AND, 5-6 policemen.  Now, if the sideline reporter is a young lady about 5'8" or so, long brown hair, and a little on the "thick" side.  Then again i call bullsh*t.  Heres why, I was standing, in the end zone, to the immediate of her right, in between her and the cops.  And at no time did any referee come and ask for assistance off the field.  At least not where she, I, and the cops were. Sorry. I was there too.  I dont believe her. Unless you show me video evidence or a statement from the cops, she lied!!!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Pass Interference?
« on: November 16, 2015, 08:42:37 PM »
C'mon NDSUSR, answer the question.  Why do so many of you hate YSU so much?  I dont get it.  We are and have been irrelevent for 15 years.  So why do we take up so much of your energy?

I dont know why people hate YSU, I dont.
You take up zero energy <insert snarky response here>. :)

Honestly, the hate from YSU towards NDSU has been much greater than the reverse.

Well...that was informative.  About as good as a Belichek or Pelini interview.  BTW...sure we may hate you more, but did you expect us to offer up some beer and pizza?  I mean seriously...any YSU fan posting anything at all on your board would be destroyed immediately.  Especially from the guy with the cool glasses.

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