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Messages - arsenal926

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Their coach is apparently as big of a dick as their star player

@PaulKampe  11m
About getting to return to campus tonight, @KampeOU says on radio: "I can't imagine five days in Youngstown (Ohio)." #HLMBB

Oakland fan here, but honestly interested to hear how somebody could think Bader is a dick? Truthfully, him and Kendrick Perry seem very similar. Under-rated players who have had tremendous success on the court and in the classroom. As far as Kampe's quote, I highly doubt it had anything to do with the city of youngstown, and everything to do with getting to play a home game and not having the players miss 3 days of school

And as far as what the Horizon league saw in Oakland? OU would have been in the Horizon league until Detroit used their right to veto our move. YSU was at minimum the league's 2nd choice, so you might want to rethink the title of this post. 3 NCAA tournaments in the last 9 years doesn't hurt either.

I'm sure most of the Penguin fans aren't happy with the outcome of their games against Oakland, but it's hard to argue that 87-81 and 86-85 games is bad for the league.

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