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Messages - NatChamps93949597

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: AD Press Releases
« on: November 05, 2014, 01:45:52 PM »
Our sports information department is very good.  Our athletic marketing department is very bad.  There are not many topics about which we could arrive at a consensus on this board.  This might be one of them.

Don't speak for me Wick!!!

The marketing and SID department does a great job at YSU.

The SID department does a great job getting students involved in YSU game broadcast. Trevor is great.

The marketing department puts together award winning game programs and sponsorships that are tops in FCS football. So don't speak for us Wick. Just because you have a beef doesn't mean it's a consensus.

The SID does a great job and has for years.  The marketing department is a big problem.

Couldn't disagree more. YSU needs a member of the media in their SID department. I would fully support getting  a member of the media from Cleveland or Pittsburgh in there to stir up some support.

It sounds like you are friends with them, since you use their names on a 1st name basis. I'm sorry if I'm insulting you by saying that. But it's just my personal opinion.

Trevor does a very good job getting out in front of the community. He works hard and is a good mentor to a lot of students who intern for him. As a faculty member, I like to see this.

Someone mentioned the new person in marketing. He was a student of mine, and worked at a large University. He is a very good asset to the school

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: AD Press Releases
« on: November 05, 2014, 10:04:07 AM »
Our sports information department is very good.  Our athletic marketing department is very bad.  There are not many topics about which we could arrive at a consensus on this board.  This might be one of them.

Don't speak for me Wick!!!

The marketing and SID department does a great job at YSU.

The SID department does a great job getting students involved in YSU game broadcast. Trevor is great.

The marketing department puts together award winning game programs and sponsorships that are tops in FCS football. So don't speak for us Wick. Just because you have a beef doesn't mean it's a consensus.

PALADIN IS HERE !! Computer blew out on Friday. Just got back online. I have lots of catching up to do with all my sites I'm on. This one seems to be butthurt for "some" reason.  Must have missed me. ;D  ;D  ;D

For those who this applies to ( and you know who you are)  -- KISS MY AZZ

Nice excuse, No one's buying! You've been exposed! Go away!

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Ticket Sales/Attendance
« on: October 02, 2014, 05:56:18 AM »

Presumably, this guy was hired because of his qualifications for the position. Because of WHAT he knows, not WHO he knows. This just baffles me that a person with the title of Assistant Director of Athletics for Sales & Event Management needs fans and/or the general public to give him ideas on how to better market the program, and on better game day promotions. This is a D1 UNIVERSITY, not a high school with the person working a supplemental for a few thousand dollars, if even that much.

I highly doubt there are many people in that department that have been hired for their qualifications rather than their friends. Typical Youngstown mentality

Is that a fact?

I think Mr. Brown does a good job with sponsorship and marketing. I know a lot of big donors and sponsors who sit in my section at basketball games agree. A Penguin Club board member told me we're the #1 school in FCS/I-AA football as far as corporate sponsor support goes. That money in turn, helps build and update facilities (softball, track, soccer and WATTS).

According to this board member, we're supposed to get a new video board at football as part as switching to Pepsi.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Ticket Sales/Attendance
« on: September 30, 2014, 04:11:59 AM »
I'm sorry if you took my post out of context. I don't think myself, or the other people on here who suggested emailing John Brown, meant that Mr. Brown was actively soliciting emails from people on this board. This was just a suggestion I made.

Several people on here have made it seem members of the athletics department are un-approachable. I had the exact opposite experience. I suggested emailing or calling someone to voice their concerns if they think otherwise. This isn't some off the wall suggestion I was making.  Fortune 500 Businesses get feedback by the minute on how to improve their structure, marketing, advertising etc. You would be surprised that almost every business idea ever, comes from consumer feedback.

I teach my students that successful CEO's know that they don't know everything. You can apply that logic to any job.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Ticket Sales/Attendance
« on: September 24, 2014, 09:54:23 AM »
Long time lurker, first time poster here. I am a part time faculty member at YSU in the school of business. Here's my two cents.

If you all want marketing to change, I recommend you contacting this person.

I contacted him last year regarding some basketball marketing ideas I had. Long story short, marketing for bball games got better. He and I do lunch every few months and I share with him suggestions that my section and I come up with to make the games more exciting.

If you have his ear show him this:


If you don't show him those at least show him this one:

We are waaaaaay behind the time in terms of how we project ourselves in the current age of media.  We recruit nationally and we can be seen nationally every week but all of the media is cheap local and substandard.  Recruits can only see what we have available and you never know who it is going to reach.  We need to advertise our facilities on video clips.  We need to show everything in high definition.  Compare anyone of those to this:

There is no comparison.  We need to make videos of our success and share them via social media.  It really gets out there.  It will be shared everywhere. 

Also I would like to point out the subliminal messages in NDSU's season ticket commercial.  They talk about how important the fans are.  We don't mention it in our video.  Fire stretch internet it is substandard.  Somebody needs to take control of this over there.  The local agencies are horrible at advertising.  I could do better with a hand held video camera.  We don't even broadcast in HD.

I'd email or call him: (330) 941-7229 or if I was you.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Ticket Sales/Attendance
« on: September 23, 2014, 02:13:09 PM »
Long time lurker, first time poster here. I am a part time faculty member at YSU in the school of business. Here's my two cents.

If you all want marketing to change, I recommend you contacting this person.

I contacted him last year regarding some basketball marketing ideas I had. Long story short, marketing for bball games got better. He and I do lunch every few months and I share with him suggestions that my section and I come up with to make the games more exciting.

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