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Messages - WVUfan05

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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU vs WVU
« on: September 10, 2016, 05:51:41 PM »
Hard fought game.

I think your depth hurt you guys in the second half. Not having the bodies to rotate in and out is rough

Good luck to you guys the rest of the season

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU vs WVU
« on: September 10, 2016, 12:56:05 PM »
Regardless of the outcome I hope you guys that are traveling enjoy the game.

I never really gave a prediction because I'm not into that sort of thing but I'll throw out a score line of 38-17

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU vs WVU
« on: September 09, 2016, 09:24:50 PM »

We run a base 4-2 or 4-3 but flex into a 3-3 or 3-4 depending on down,distance scheme etc.  Our DL Rivers can play LB too, he is explosive and very fast so he slides out sometimes at LB.  What have you heard on your QB?

As far as we know he's good to go.

It was a non-contact injury and there's supposedly no threat for further injury. So if he can take the pain he'll play as much as he can.

I do feel that it limits using him in the run game but the kid is extremely tough.

The only thing that will be different that the coaches talked about doing was getting the true freshman RB a little more in the rotation.

The two starters are a former 5 star recruit Rushel Shell who is a more physical back and Justin Crawford, a JUCO All American and a do it all speed guy. The freshman, Kennedy McKoy, turned heads in the Spring and Fall. He got a little wide eyed in very limited stats against Missouri but he's going to see a lot more playing time on Saturday.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU vs WVU
« on: September 09, 2016, 08:11:59 PM »
I know about Pelini and his time at Nebraska. His defenses are always stout.

I read through the topic a bit and I will tell you one thing, there will be no overlooking this game. Holgorsen and Gibson (defensive coordinator) have repeatedly beat it into the players heads that this is not going to be a push over.

The defense that Tony Gibson runs, 3-3-5 stack, usually has it's way with shaky or first time QB's. Now that's not to say that your quarterback is but I'm just kind of interpreting what you mean when you say you don't know what you have.

The 3-3-5 is aggressive and he loves to blitz. 3 down lineman, 3 linebackers and 5 defensive backs. Although one of the safeties is a LB hybrid and plays more near the line of scrimmage.

If you guys have any other in depth questions I'll be happy to answer.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: YSU vs WVU
« on: September 09, 2016, 07:44:57 PM »
I found an error that was preventing people from getting their email after registration ...thanks to Yo Show. I found there was about 7 WVU people that tried to register & I just accepted them. I thought it was odd that we had no new members in August, we usually pick up a few about the time camp gets rolling.

I would like to know just how much better Mountaineer fans think the team is now, then when Norfolk State had a good half against them. They may not follow our level, but Norfolk is not as good as Duquesne and we had all the reserves in.

They said that if we were NDSU, then they might worry. I mean same conference and we always do well against the Bison. Yes we self-destructed last year and blew a 21-point lead, but we do play at that same level. That being said, if the fans feel that the Mountaineers are an upper-half Big-IX team, than we are in for a long day ...but I am not convinced.

That being said, I think we have to play "vanilla". Davis is new, Ruiz looked good last week, but is he really healthy and thus should we save him until game 4? Or is he good to go now?

I am very happy with what I saw in Armande and Jayln at LB last week. Jayln was very excited. This week I hope they both settle down and shut down either the QB or RB. The are a big key to success tomorrow.

I say we will be less disruptive this week (on D) as we have to account for superior athletes than we faced last week

Took me a little while to find a forum for you guys. I think this is the only one

I'll keep things relatively short and simple unless you want in an depth look.

This is the deepest WVU has probably ever been offensively. Which is good because the coaches are able to redshirt a bunch of promising young talent.

Defensively was a bit of a mystery until the Missouri game. A bunch of kids who have been in the program but haven't necessarily started. They had two rough ACL injuries in the fall with the best player and safety in Dravon Henry and a 4 star true freshman linebacker that was pushing for a starting spot.

Overall it's viewed as an equal or better team than last year and it's thought to be 8 or 9 wins or bust for Holgorsen this year. I don't personally agree with that but it is what it is.

I don't know much about you guys other than what I've listened to from the coaches and their conferences. Although I was rooting for you guys when you played Pitt a few years back.

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