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Messages - YTOWNALUM

Pages: [1] 2
YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Life after Wolford
« on: September 14, 2013, 04:03:26 PM »
Save this combo for December.  Then let's resume this conversation.

Just sayin

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Life after Wolford
« on: September 14, 2013, 03:47:50 PM »
How am I a moron?  Zero improvement over 5 years.  Give the job to Mangino. Anyone???

YSU Penguin Athletics / Life after Wolford
« on: September 14, 2013, 03:07:46 PM »
Eric will be gone after this year.  What do we think will happen next for the program?

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Dayton Game
« on: August 29, 2013, 10:17:02 PM »
What about having zero good years?? 

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Dayton Game
« on: August 29, 2013, 09:05:25 PM »
The fact is..... We went to the semi finals.  If we fired him in 05 ( we split the conference that year) we prob wouldn't have gone to the semi finals in 06. What's your point?  You probably never played football, right?

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Dayton Game
« on: August 29, 2013, 08:52:08 PM »
You obviously aren't a real fan.  Heacock took us to the semi finals in 2006.  Winning season in 2007.  Losing seasons in 2008 & 2009. Fired.  He didn't "hang around".  The guy took us to the national semi finals in 06 and 3 years later he was gone.  That's more than we can say for wolford. 

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Dayton Game
« on: August 29, 2013, 08:39:39 PM »
We won't. Wolford isn't the answer.  Hopefully he is gone after this year.  I'm really thought we would smack this team but it just isn't very impressive. 

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Dayton Game
« on: August 29, 2013, 07:20:37 AM »
This game won't even be close.  Come on Dayton fans, your just not in the same league....

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: NFL Draft
« on: December 25, 2012, 09:11:38 AM »
I would be really surprised if Mady got drafted, to be honest.  We have had a ton of linemen similar to him that are sitting at home right now.  Free agent tryout maybe. 

I saw coach Wolford is hosting a costume contest........ Is this a sick joke?   Is he serious?  What a wack job.  This guy has his priorities all wrong.  Get him out. 

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Wolf radio show
« on: October 30, 2012, 06:18:28 AM »
Wolford is not cool, he is unprofessional.  This ain't Ursuline anymore......

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: That was ugly
« on: October 28, 2012, 02:43:52 AM »
I don't know why we ever thought we'd be good.  With a coach that cant pronounce frustrating.   Anyway.... Wolf is a Perfect example of someone acting like a good coach instead of being a good coach. Everyone on this board bought into the hype.  Now you all are calling for a new coach.   Make up your mind.

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: That was ugly
« on: October 21, 2012, 08:08:17 PM »
It's not just frustrating........ It's FUSTrating. 

Thank u Mr. Mason?   I remember a playoff game against James Madison in 2006 when Mason was completely shut down until the 4th quarter.  How can you make comments like that and call yourself a fan?

YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: The 2011 football season
« on: November 19, 2011, 08:54:38 PM »
Yeah good call. This sounds so familiar. I think NDSU was a fluke.  We need a coach that is a winner.  Clearly we weren't ready for this game.  Pathetic.

Let's think about it.  Most of the playmakers on this team are heacock recruits. 

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