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YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Our Future is in Johnson's Hands
« Last post by goodnews on September 22, 2024, 05:58:20 PM »
He might be a good coach but he's not a good Head Coach for YOUNGSTOWN STATE FOOTBALL.  If money is an issue and we can't compete in  recruiting , NIL and coaching hires then the AD and Penguin Club need to come clean.   If u ask me its an excuse to protect someone's job.  All the while the program continues the downward spiral and spend $$$$ millions to lose to Duquesne and attendance is non existent.  How long will current sponsors continue to waste money to have no one attend games in Stambaugh?  The issue is bigger than Phillips and Strollo.  Someone needs fix it!!!!
YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Our Future is in Johnson's Hands
« Last post by penguinpower on September 22, 2024, 05:08:30 PM »
Everyone else is experiencing the same challenges.  These excuses don't work for me.  Phillips is a people pleaser.  Who would hug Narduzzi after he made him look so bad?  Does he have any self respect?  He should never have been hired as the head coach.  Moreover STROLLO SHOULD HAVE NEVER EXTENDED HIS CONTRACT.  Where are the details of the EXTENSION?

He's really not a bad coach. That's where everyone is off base.  We don't pay.
YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Our Future is in Johnson's Hands
« Last post by penguinpower on September 22, 2024, 05:07:21 PM »
But , does the school community at large really care about the football team success? Or all sports for that matter.   
Do they care enough to invest properly in athletics?

Great point.  The answer is either no, or no one has even thought about it.  I think the latter is just as likely
YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Our Future is in Johnson's Hands
« Last post by penguinpower on September 22, 2024, 05:05:19 PM »
Everyone else is experiencing the same challenges.  These excuses don't work for me.  Phillips is a people pleaser.  Who would hug Narduzzi after he made him look so bad?  Does he have any self respect?  He should never have been hired as the head coach.  Moreover STROLLO SHOULD HAVE NEVER EXTENDED HIS CONTRACT.  Where are the details of the EXTENSION?

Not an excuse. We don't have the $$.

That's the problem.  We need people to step up on an annual basis.  It's not all about the facilities anymore.  It's what you can get on a personal level
YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Pitt game
« Last post by guinpen on September 22, 2024, 04:19:01 PM »
I hope that Phillips did not enjoy the hug, but he showed that he was the better person.
YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Our Future is in Johnson's Hands
« Last post by goodnews on September 22, 2024, 02:01:04 PM »
Everyone else is experiencing the same challenges.  These excuses don't work for me.  Phillips is a people pleaser.  Who would hug Narduzzi after he made him look so bad?  Does he have any self respect?  He should never have been hired as the head coach.  Moreover STROLLO SHOULD HAVE NEVER EXTENDED HIS CONTRACT.  Where are the details of the EXTENSION?
YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Our Future is in Johnson's Hands
« Last post by YSUGO on September 22, 2024, 12:20:22 PM »
Penguinpower all points about NIL etc I made months ago thanks for solidifying what I said and most people ignored.
It comes down to money and what are the goals set by AD and administration.  With the current state of NIL we spend 4m plus a year if we added another 2 mill a year to retain players we develop and get quality coaches is it enough.
One thing isn’t fair with the nil transfer rule what needs to be done is if a school takes a quality player at our level the school should pay YSU a developmental fee.  Or say they offer one of our players 100k to leave we get a 15% surcharge or something.  The problem got is a power 5 school says hey look go to YSU and if you progress. We will take u 2 years later

Going back to Phillips I do t think he’s the guy for this. He knew he had a qb problem coming and the local guys are not it.  He got lucky that Davidson was here the last 2 years. 

Again what’s the commitment does YSU want?  How do we resurrect a program that had become a dinosaur in FCS. 
Strollo I feel time should end here are his higherd since Heacock Wolford Pelini and Phillips
Again without money and a big donors we are stuck. 
Do we drop down to D2?  Do we change conferences? Can’t move up without major money!
One good thing Penguin Power Patty V is retiring as commissioner! After this year. 
YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Our Future is in Johnson's Hands
« Last post by JP21 on September 22, 2024, 12:00:56 PM »
Bottom line is YSU stinks and that's why a bunch of players left.  You don't see NDSU and SDSU having issues with massive amounts of players leaving in the portal. Those guys on defense knew the offensive would be pathetic with Brungard and that there was no QB on the roster that can throw. If you were a player on defense would you want to be on the field all game every game because the QB can't throw the ball down field?  I see Philips getting 1 more year then he is done. 
YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Our Future is in Johnson's Hands
« Last post by goodnews on September 22, 2024, 11:06:51 AM »
What is the significant athletic donation?  Was it the Zoldens donation for Beeghly?  Are there details?
YSU Penguin Athletics / Re: Our Future is in Johnson's Hands
« Last post by nova75 on September 22, 2024, 10:51:42 AM »
But , does the school community at large really care about the football team success? Or all sports for that matter.   
Do they care enough to invest properly in athletics?
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